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Questions on solo maging rex


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Alright, so I'm 137 combat with a pitiful 86 mage. Soloing rex seems like the perfect way to train it and get some money while I'm at it.

Is finding empty worlds easy?

How many kills per hour with COG approx?

How much exp per hour?

Is it worth bringing extreme mage potions? (keep in mind I have a yak)

Can I survive just using guthans/soul split?

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Alright, so I'm 137 combat with a pitiful 86 mage. Soloing rex seems like the perfect way to train it and get some money while I'm at it.

Is finding empty worlds easy? Yes and No. Depends on time of day.

How many kills per hour with COG approx? No Idea

How much exp per hour? Not that much

Is it worth bringing extreme mage potions? (keep in mind I have a yak) Definately. Bring a yak full of brews/restores and bank the bones/hides. The mage pots will help.

Can I survive just using guthans/soul split? No idea. I didnt know SS worked on mage, thought it only worked on melee. if you bring an ee/sgs you should be good though.



what i'm doing now:


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Alright, so I'm 137 combat with a pitiful 86 mage. Soloing rex seems like the perfect way to train it and get some money while I'm at it.

Is finding empty worlds easy?

How many kills per hour with COG approx?

How much exp per hour?

Is it worth bringing extreme mage potions? (keep in mind I have a yak)

Can I survive just using guthans/soul split?


Peak horus no, offhours yes.

30-40 depending on world pop

40-50k depending on world pop




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Right now I hopped once because someone was solo trybridding and ended up in an empty world (which I dont want since I'm solo hybridding) so either I was lucky or it's still pretty easy.


I would personally not bring extreme mage pots, but I guess they are worth it yeah. You should be able to survive just on soulsplit alone I think. 60 hp each Rex kill is tremendously, assuming you are good at flashing it (but I assume you will not do this when pulling him so take a bit less). It comes down to 1800 hp an hour, which is better than the 1200 a unicorn is doing. Let's be more realistic and say you will manage to soul split 200 out of rexes hp, then you will be as good as a uni.


Once you get 95, use fire surge for better xp.

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