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Problem Viewing Runescape Forums


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Using both my older Dell Inspiron and Dell mini, I very rarely can view the OFFICIAL Runescape Forums at home. I have a crappy Linksys router. Whether I'm plugged in or wireless, it doesn't work. Typically I'll go to the forums and it will load and load and load. Usually part of the page will load but thats it. Every now and then I'll get lucky and it'll work for a few minutes.


When I go to class, I connect to the campus' wireless network and the forums load just fine all the time.


So I'm assuming the problem is with the router...any ideas? Its only with the forum, the rest of the runescape website works fine.


This is really a pain because I play classic and its easier to buy and sell using the forums than finding people in game. And at this point, I can hardly ever get to the classic part of the forum.



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First things first, have you tried doing a power cycle with the router? (meaning turning off and back on after 30 seconds)

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First things first, have you tried doing a power cycle with the router? (meaning turning off and back on after 30 seconds)


I've probably done it once or twice since I've had this problem.


When I say since I've had this problem, I mean the past few weeks. I just started playing runescape again so its not like I've been using the forums for a long time and then it just stopped working. They've never really worked.

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Since you mention assuming that the router is to blame, I'm going to assume that you've not tried plugging either computer in to the modem directly. If the problem persists with the router removed from the equation, then the problem obviously lies elsewhere.

What model is the router? I have a WRT54G, reflashed with the Tomato firmware, and absolutely love it.

-not wanting to hijack-


I too have that router, what is this tomato you speak of?


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