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Is there evil?


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Guest GhostRanger




People who can't see the difference between "good" and "evil" lack the ability to observe objectively, intelligent and logically.








In other words, those terrorists who perceive killing innocent people as good are completely insane... I challenge you to disagree with that.








If you do, then I'm sorry, but I'll have to call you insane too.








With so many people not believing in good and evil nor knowing what is good and what is evil, I am definately not surprised that the world we are living in provides so much suffering for so many people.

Hmm examples examples....




Well... i cant think of any really good examples.








But again im saying, how can you say that there is the absolute, if some people do percive it... There is no way to prove absolute evil. There is mostlikely things that we all do that others think is evil, but that couldnt be, cause that would mean the whole world is evil and good at the same time... compleatly conterdicting eachother.








You're right...there is no way to prove absolute evil. It doesn't mean its not there. To say evil is relative is to say no one can do any wrong and everything should be acceptable in society. EVERYTHING. Because everyone perceives everything differently. So I can murder people if I want to.








But our western society dislikes murder, and so does many othe rplaces around the world. But im sure if y ou went somewhere, it would mostlikely be accpeted.








And also im saying no one can do any right, cause everything is unacceptable to the world as well. there is very few thigns that can be agreed on by every person on the planet.








So you are willing to let anyone run rampant with their own ideas of good and evil raising all kinds of hell that they want because they perceive it to be okay?

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People who can't see the difference between "good" and "evil" lack the ability to observe objectively, intelligent and logically.








In other words, those terrorists who perceive killing innocent people as good are completely insane... I challenge you to disagree with that.








If you do, then I'm sorry, but I'll have to call you insane too.








With so many people not believing in good and evil nor knowing what is good and what is evil, I am definately not surprised that the world we are living in provides so much suffering for so many people.

Hmm examples examples....




Well... i cant think of any really good examples.








But again im saying, how can you say that there is the absolute, if some people do percive it... There is no way to prove absolute evil. There is mostlikely things that we all do that others think is evil, but that couldnt be, cause that would mean the whole world is evil and good at the same time... compleatly conterdicting eachother.








You're right...there is no way to prove absolute evil. It doesn't mean its not there. To say evil is relative is to say no one can do any wrong and everything should be acceptable in society. EVERYTHING. Because everyone perceives everything differently. So I can murder people if I want to.








But our western society dislikes murder, and so does many othe rplaces around the world. But im sure if y ou went somewhere, it would mostlikely be accpeted.








And also im saying no one can do any right, cause everything is unacceptable to the world as well. there is very few thigns that can be agreed on by every person on the planet.








So you are willing to let anyone run rampant with their own ideas of good and evil raising all kinds of hell that they want because they perceive it to be okay?








:shock: No cause thats anarchy! I percieve something as bad, but no evil. Its bad to me, even though it may not be bad to them. Tahts why im saying perception :wink:


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People who can't see the difference between "good" and "evil" lack the ability to observe objectively, intelligent and logically.








In other words, those terrorists who perceive killing innocent people as good are completely insane... I challenge you to disagree with that.








If you do, then I'm sorry, but I'll have to call you insane too.








With so many people not believing in good and evil nor knowing what is good and what is evil, I am definately not surprised that the world we are living in provides so much suffering for so many people.

Hmm examples examples....




Well... i cant think of any really good examples.








But again im saying, how can you say that there is the absolute, if some people do percive it... There is no way to prove absolute evil. There is mostlikely things that we all do that others think is evil, but that couldnt be, cause that would mean the whole world is evil and good at the same time... compleatly conterdicting eachother.








You're right...there is no way to prove absolute evil. It doesn't mean its not there. To say evil is relative is to say no one can do any wrong and everything should be acceptable in society. EVERYTHING. Because everyone perceives everything differently. So I can murder people if I want to.








While I'm on your side, that is an appeal to consequences... just because it would have bad consequences if it were true, doesn't mean it can't be true that morality is subjective.








Again, I am a firm believer in moral absolutism, I just don't like the appeal to consequences argument.

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Guest GhostRanger




People who can't see the difference between "good" and "evil" lack the ability to observe objectively, intelligent and logically.








In other words, those terrorists who perceive killing innocent people as good are completely insane... I challenge you to disagree with that.








If you do, then I'm sorry, but I'll have to call you insane too.








With so many people not believing in good and evil nor knowing what is good and what is evil, I am definately not surprised that the world we are living in provides so much suffering for so many people.

Hmm examples examples....




Well... i cant think of any really good examples.








But again im saying, how can you say that there is the absolute, if some people do percive it... There is no way to prove absolute evil. There is mostlikely things that we all do that others think is evil, but that couldnt be, cause that would mean the whole world is evil and good at the same time... compleatly conterdicting eachother.








You're right...there is no way to prove absolute evil. It doesn't mean its not there. To say evil is relative is to say no one can do any wrong and everything should be acceptable in society. EVERYTHING. Because everyone perceives everything differently. So I can murder people if I want to.








While I'm on your side, that is an appeal to consequences... just because it would have bad consequences if it were true, doesn't mean it can't be true that morality is subjective.








Again, I am a firm believer in moral absolutism, I just don't like the appeal to consequences argument.








Ah, then let me explain. I was frustrated and didn't feel like explaining myself completely.








If I murdered lots of people, society would not condone it. Why would society not condone it if there is no moral absolute?








My point was that a small amount of people who perceive something differently does not make something "unprovable" and therefore inaccurate. Just because I want to do something, because I perceive it differently, does not make my perception correct.








I was also trying to emphasize not the consequence or immoral actions or allowing whatever people want, but instead I was emphasizing the hypocricy of it. Certainly no one on this board would tell me I have the right to murder anyone I wanted because I perceive morality differently than others.

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