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Just wanting some general advice on armour/weapons.


I'm not exceedingly rich, 14mill has been my highest amount of cash (albeit, i've just spent 6 mill on my POH); so the max i'm willing to spend on anything decent is a bit over 1-2mill.


1: Shields. I currently have an uncharged crystal shield (Only charged/brought once for 750k), an obby shield, a rune defender, and a falador shield 3.

Was thinking of buying a dragon square for barrows as such (might have guess i just read TIp.It's updated barrows guide). However, is it worth it? Or should i just stick to recharing a crystal shield, or obby shield (i've noticed that it lowers mage more then d square though)?

In general, what shields should i use and where's the best place/situation to use them? Currently i only use the fally shield for farming, not putting much thought into combat armour.


2: Crystal Bow: Again, is this worth it? I'm only 78 range, and i got this free as the reward from regicide; so i'm assuming that means if i recharge it it'll cost 780k or something.

I also have a rune c bow/black Salamander/Zanik Crossbow.

Which ones are the best, in terms of use, and where's the best place to use each of them? (for example; where's the best place to use Zanik's special?)


3: Melle armour: I have torag's armour and a set of rune. That's all i really have, should i consider having something else?


4: amulets/mage weapons. For use in barrows, are any mage weapons useful, if i already have a black salamander to use? For such, would Ancient+salamnder be the best option for me? (i have: 83 mage, 84 defence, 83 attack, 83 strength)

Or is there a better option?


5: Daggonoth Kings. I've never been, and i only got the music track for the area by doing the last fremmnik quest (where prince/princess dies). But how hard exactly are they? (considering my combat stats). If i were to go ahead with them, how should i approach it, and what type of armour/weapons (Look at #1 and #3)? Should i get 2 of my friends (around same combat as me 100-130 and do mage/range/melle against them? Or am i too weak to do such a thing? Should i go as a large group?


That's all i can really ask. Thanks for any help :)

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1. Dragon square is pretty useless, I don't know why they even included it in the new barrows guide. In almost any situation, there's a better option than the D sq. It's still a viable option for a cheap shield, I guess. Your best bet would be to do summer's end quest and save up for a blessed spirit shield (about 4m last I checked).


2. Not sure about zanik's bow (I think it's mainly used for pvp, but I'm not positive), but you'll want to stick with rune c-bow & broad bolts for almost everything. Salamander is good for barrows, but I can't think of any other real uses for it. Crystal bow has a few select uses (a lot of people use it at Tormented Demons from what I've heard), but it's not really good for general training.


3. Torags is fine. You might want to consider a verac's skirt though in addition to that, for times when you need a little extra prayer bonus while still having good defense.


4. With your defense, you should do pretty well tanking torag, guth, and ahrim (wearing melee armor for the two melee brothers, and range armor for ahrim, of course) and only using the ancients for verac and dharok. It should save you some money on runes in the long run, and I personally think it's a lot less hassle if you don't have to keep freezing them and all that. You might want to try both ways though just to see for yourself though.


5. No idea, never been to DKs myself.


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[hide=Drops & Achievements]

Hunter_cape_(t).gif 99 Hunter: 4/30/09 Cooking_cape_(t).gif 99 Cooking: 6/2/2009 Attack_cape_(t).gif 99 Attack: 6/9/10


Dragon Legs x2 | Dragon Skirt x2 | Dragon Med x3 | Dragon Boots x13 | Dragon Shield Left Half x1

Abyssal Whip x2 | Granite Maul x8 | Granite Helm x2 | Granite Legs x1


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Ah, ok, i heard not a lot of people use the d square, but they added it so i was contemplating whether it had a decent use. I didn't even think of the blessed shield, didn't know it's stats. Could only think of the 100mill shields...


Ah, so Z bow for PvP things; sally for barrows and C bow for Tormented demons (Ha, haven't gone to them either, only killed them in WGS)

And will stick to rune bow for rest.


Will look into the verac skirt, should help with some of the prayer based fights.


It may be less of a hassle, but i was thinking of it because, i'm used to getting the chest and teleporting out. I've never done more then one chest, but if freezing allowed me to do it, it might go well.

Thanks for that. :)

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You can manage barrows with: nezzy helm, mystic top, veracs skirt, (other items are your choice) using slayer dart, when you earn some money, start farcasting with ancients, ranging ahrim with one ppot sip, then use blood spells on karil for health, you dont need prayer for any others, as you can blitz them, the run away, cast a few spells, run away, freeze, etc. (if you take damage just use a few farcast blood spells! with 6 ppots I can manage about 13-15 chests.


tl;dr: earn money with slayer dart in barrows, then farcast, healing with blood blitz/ burst


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

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Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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That's for the Tip ambler. Using pure ancients wasn't my exact idea, as it just costs a fair bit, so i was thinking just freeze-sally-strawberries/few sharks/2-3 prayer pots. But thanks for that, i'll try it out sometime.

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