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Because this is my first post, im first going to introduce myself. My name is Aerotypical(Not my real name of course) And obviously...I like to play runescape.I'm a teenager and i play runescape reguarly.


Well now thats over and done with, Onto my question!


Well, i've had played runescape for many years and i have a main account which hardly ever get's used. So therefore, i've decided to make a skiller! Yep, you heard correctly! A skiller! So that means i'm going to bore myself to death just like i did on my main account and then straight after that i will ruin the account!




A fellow Skiller-er would like to skill alongside me, i've only made this account today about 5 minutes ago (As of 19/09/2010 13:47)


Also, this is my first time being on a forum - so don't expect my posts to be top-notch ;)

So if you feel like skilling alongside - even if the skill i'm training is 99 on your account and you still don't mind, Then PM me or Reply to this post with your details...such as: RS Name, World you play on, where your from(Country).

Obviously not your house number O.O.

My runescape name is: Aerotypical - My PM is always open for everyone. Also, i play on Any F2P UK World.


-Thanks and nice to meet you all.


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Welcome to tip it, here's a tip, centralised text isn't generally easy to read. You can edit your post if you like.


I've never really understood the point of making a skiller, I would just see it as wasted exp that could have gone on my main but good luck in your endeavours.


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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Welcome to tip it, here's a tip, centralised text isn't generally easy to read. You can edit your post if you like.


I've never really understood the point of making a skiller, I would just see it as wasted exp that could have gone on my main but good luck in your endeavours.


I Agree, i've just thought it's always looked nicer.

Edited, Also, thanks for your encouragement :)



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I guess this belongs in the Introduction sticky, but that is kind of useless tbh, no one really reads it. So you don't actually need help with anything?


At the moment, Help is not vital but it just makes it easier for myself , cause i will have a friend who i can talk to whilst doing the same thing with them.



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