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Haven't played in years


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Hi there all!


I haven't really played Runescape for a couple of years, and everything has changed so much.


I know there is no wilderness or staking anymore. So what sort of fighting activities are there now, and are there any good ones on F2P? I'm combat level 103.

What's considered wealthy in Runescape these days? I have quite a good bank and wonder if it's still as much as it used to be!


Any help/suggestions on what there is to do these days etc would be appreciated.


Thanks again.

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1. Free trade is probably coming back sometime around early 2011, actually. So that's something you can look forward to if you liked it better without trade limits.

2. Until then, Fist of Guthix is a very fun f2p minigame with pretty good rewards. If you're more into classic pking, the closest you'll get are in the Bounty Hunter and PvP Worlds. Clan Wars is also an option, although note it is purely for fun as there are no rewards other than the combat xp you get from fighting. Guides to all of these are on Tip.It. Oh, one last thing, Duel Arena is f2p too now.

3. You'll be surprised what "rich" is now. I don't think anyone can honestly give you an unbiased estimation unless he has billions from the start. If I were to give an estimate (keeping that in mind), I'd say the "wealthy" border is probably some 3-4x higher than a few years ago. The most concrete evidence I have are the rare prices and the prices of those top-tier equipment.

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Bounty hunter and pvp worlds are basically the wilderness.


People nowadays are a lot richer on average.


And what's the deal with rares these days? Do people still buy/sell them?



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Ge merchanters have made a crapload of cash by manipulating.


If you don't know what these terms mean, you'll learn pretty quickly. Read around some threads in General Discussion and you'll get caught up.

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