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Couple questions:


1. Is it possible with my stats?

2. If yes, what setup/strategy?

3. If no, what do I need to train?


I plan on ranging Bork from a safespot (If anyone has a map of the safespots that would be great) while praying mage. This only leaves the ork legions to deal with, and (4) how should I go about that?




TT rewards: 2 ranger boots, Zamorak page 1 (2x), Guthix page 1, Ancient page 2


You must construct additional oak larders doors... I mean pylons


Barrows: 10. Total value~22.3 mil. Ahrim Robeskirt is currently the item I have received the most.

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Couple questions:


1. Is it possible with my stats?

2. If yes, what setup/strategy?

3. If no, what do I need to train?


I plan on ranging Bork from a safespot (If anyone has a map of the safespots that would be great) while praying mage. This only leaves the ork legions to deal with, and (4) how should I go about that?


1. Yes, I should say so.

2. I would indeed go for ranged, just your basic ranged gear (black dragonhide and whatnot) and decent ammo.


Not too sure about safespots, but a friend of mine claims to have used to use the edges of the cavern to manouvre Bork so that he couldn't hit him, in which case the only thing that will hit you are his minions and the mage, against whom you could pray.


When the minions spawn, kill them. With your rather low defence level they could do quite some damage. If Bork is unable to hit you that shouldn't be too much of a problem.


If you're unable to use a safespot I'd recommend praying protection against melee attacks. Don't forget (prayer) potions and whatnot for boosting and/or healing. I don't have any personal experience with how effective ranged is on Bork, so for your first attempt you may want to bring sharks or a few brews to be on the safe side.


Keep in mind that the minions use melee when they're next to you, and ranged when removed from you, so if you're unable to use a safe spot you could ignore the minions and just focus on Bork (unless you want the charm drops from the minions and have plenty to survive on).


Both Bork's and the mage's max hits are 250 LP.





angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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