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OMG C/C Adroit's Pixel Art!


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yes yes yes... c/c my stuff, i've been pumpin' out alot of em, so we'll see how badly i get flamed....




























Hope they look good, im lookin' to improve all of em, so give me some c/c and reviews, thanks!










RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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I think you just need to put more time into shading.








The shading I see on those pixels is good, but I only really see it near some sort of edge or crease. If you shade the whole body it might look better.

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They are not bad, but I think you already know that they could be improved with some shading :wink:








Just remember, quality over quantity, instead of trying to make too many... try taking one image and focusing your attention on it. See what details you can add, how you can improve textures, what lighting/shading you would have in the image etc.








Hope that helps some.









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Good potential. Linework definately needs the most improvement. Try using the line tool to create your pics instead of doing it freehand, it looks much neater :wink:




Well, i would if photoshop had one, if theres a downloadable line tool for ps7 and someone would post it, i'd greatly appreciate it.
















Edit: just realized how much i posted... sorry...


RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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