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Glich or Coincedence?


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It is most definetly not luck.








I don't know exactly what it is, but it could be something aimed at people auto teleporting to camelot.








It has happened to me a lot lately too, while doing slayer. I would start a task, finish all of the monsters, and then teleport away to get another task. While doing this I would say I got a random event about 50% of the time.








I experienced this happening more often while doing something for about an hour (like a slayer task) then teleporting. Not as much while teleporting more often in the same time period, like for doing a quest.








It is also worth noting that when the random appears after clicking teleport, it stops you from teleporting, and you have to click it again. I don't think this would happen if a random just happened to appear at the instant you teleport.








I don't have any real data, but taking an action - such as teleporting in this case - is obviously leading to random events. I don't think there is anyway you could call these occurences a coincedence, or luck.

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maybe because too many noobs are teleing in the wildies so the pro pkers are making an agreement with the dwarves, all the beer they can get, and block them nooby teletubies!!!!! :twisted:








but then again, dwarves can't talk....unless you are a dwarf too! :o

Sup noobs.

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I am just wandering, is this the right forum? I know it is Discussions to but you could have atleast made it longer? And/or put it in the Rant forum.








We all get the same, just ignore them and teleport anyway. Unless you are the curious one...




and how exactly is getting a dwarf a rant? its not like im complaining....

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I don't know exactly what it is, but it could be something aimed at people auto teleporting to camelot.




ive seen people power teleing at camelot, and getting a dwarf. they dont talk to it for fun, and if they keep on teleing the dwarf just walks all over the place stupidly and doesnt damage you

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I don't know exactly what it is, but it could be something aimed at people auto teleporting to camelot.




ive seen people power teleing at camelot, and getting a dwarf. they dont talk to it for fun, and if they keep on teleing the dwarf just walks all over the place stupidly and doesnt damage you












Once i baught 4k laws, and started teleing to cammy for xp and i got like 2 dwarfs for every 1k teles.








plus i did exactly what lord said =P



R.I.P. Mediasoldier.

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