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Thank you for your submission :)


I believe you already made a submission on this earlier using the website's submission form. We couldn't just take your word for it, sadly, and well, the KB isn't to be trusted. Ten months and the stats for the chaotic rapier are still incorrect, for instance :P


Your screenshot will do nicely, though. 8 + 6 + 5 makes 19 magic defence, so that's great. It seems that we're still missing the weight and attack rate for this bow, though - if you can spare the time, would you mind posting a screenshot of that as well? Thanks again!

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yeesh. I wish I could.


I was on world 53 last friday when it crashed at 5pm london time.

30 minutes later all the lv 100+ dungeoneers signed back in and found our binds gone.


a whole bunch of them organized fast c5 grinds to get primal platebody(b) back etc because

not all of them are even 90+ slayer and didnt lose blood necklace or hexhunter.


so... I don't have anything bound but sag p++ arrows anymore.


the developers are in the back and the response/customer support team out front.

the response team has been shutting me down with "we cannot restore lost items"

because they weren't properly informed by the dungeoneering team how binds are

supposed to differ from losable items. sigh.


um... if I luck out and get the right attention to have my binds debugged and i can see them again I'll let you know with screenshot evidence.

I can't screenie anything to prove weapon speed, but i can testify the hex is a shortbow - I get pulled off the divine skinweaver healing plate to shoot at skelemages across the room etc.

Its a speed six weapon like magic shortbow or sagittarian shortbow.



I am pretty sure the blood necklace has a weight of zero. I don't know what shadow silk hood weighs and whether or not my bag was empty when I screen captured the hex.

In fact you can see a little black mark on my screen capture of the blood because I must've screen capped a c1 where I had 60 kilos of katagon, ectorobe, and stegoleather in my bag

and decided to photoshop zero back over it for clarity's sake where i used the picture on facebook for a pal's consideration.




hope I'm helping.


um... it may or may not help to post this, but I can also tell you that unmodified the hex throws bright orange damage splats about half the time even when it doesnt seem to be a real max hit for you... as if its glowing to indicate the critical effect on a mage happened. so I might take my first few kills seeing a bunch of bright orange 300s and 400s, but then before the boss fight when I am stacking up the efects of lv 124 range with a strong range potion, 20% desperado w/ all ten tier upgrades, and the 20% rigour prayer... then I throw a pretty steady stream of glowing orange 580 to 600s as screen capped here on a lv 500ish unholy cursebearer with some obvious nooby w117 guys dawdling outside.



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You lost a bunch of mega-rare slayer drops? Man, that bites :( Jagex' customer support might as well be non-existant, I wouldn't expect anything from them. Hope you can get 'm unbugged, somehow!


Given the Hexhunter's relatively low +attack bonus we were suspecting that it'd be shortbow-speed. I'll consider that one confirmed then. Likewise for the Blood necklace being weightless, that seems to be a trait shared among jewellery. Thank you :)


As for the max-hit splats, there's so many bugs related to them that it's not even funny. For example, if you use the Fire Bolt spell while wearing Chaos gauntlets (raising your maximum hit from 120 to 150), any number between 120 and 150 will get the max-hit splat. It's as if the max-hit splat disregards the entire damage bonus given by the gauntlets. I'm guessing something similar happens for the hexhunter bow, causing the max-hit splat to disregard the damage bonus granted when attacking targets with a high magic level. That'll result in you getting a lot of 'max-hit splats' because that bow deals sick, sick damage to mages :P

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While this topic is active, I'd like to also mention that you've grouped the Hexhunter bow under Non-Dungeoneering items in your Item DB.

Also below I've got the weight numbers on Blood Neck and SSH, so that *might* help in figuring the weight of Hex.



In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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While this topic is active, I'd like to also mention that you've grouped the Hexhunter bow under Non-Dungeoneering items in your Item DB.

Also below I've got the weight numbers on Blood Neck and SSH, so that *might* help in figuring the weight of Hex.



Oops, corrected the bow's grouping. Weight on the necklace, guess it's a pretty sizeable droplet of blood then. Since the numbers match up, I'll put the weight of the Hexhunter bow at 1.8kg - that how much every other shortbow in Daemonheim weighs.


Thank you :)

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