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[Help] [PHP] Variables/Strings


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I'm looking for some help with converting special characters within a string to a different character.


Current Code:

<?php echo $use['value'] ?>


$use is an array

['value'] is the string within the array


I'm taking the data from $use['value'] and using it in a URL. The problem is if $use['value'] is something like "Home Projects & Hobbies" the URL gets messed up; it will look like /Home%20Projects%20&%20Hobbies.


So, if possible, I want to write a little script that will take the spaces of the string and convert them into "-" and take the "&" symbol and convert it into "and".


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I'm using a php loop that creates the links here:



Code that makes the links:

<a href="<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl();?><?php echo $use['value'] ?>"><?php echo $this->htmlEscape( $use['value'] ) ?></a>


Important part from above:

<?php echo $use['value'] ?>


$use['value'] is used for the end of the url, for example www.website.com/candlemaking


The trouble is when $use['value'] has spaces or &


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Which is what's happening, so instead I want to change spaces :arrow: "-" and "&" :arrow: "and" within the string.


Like if I have a page www.website.com/home-projects-and-hobbies/ but the string is "home projects & hobbies", how can I change it to use the dashes (as well as "&" to "and")?


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Just as an fyi, this worked; thanks John.


$str = $use['value'];
$order = array(' ', '&');
$replace = array('-', 'and');

$newstr = str_replace($order, $replace, $str);

echo $newstr;


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