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Falador Knightly War. (sorry for title...)


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A man sounds the horn,




and the men prepare for war,




all in order to protect




the noble city Falador.








The Black Knights enter,




the White Knights reply,




with their sword and armour




and the hounds all cry.








The swords hit each other




Falador fights with anger,




but soon they will fall




with warrior, mage, and ranger.








Kill as they might




take away the grin,




the people hold faith




in Saradomin.








The survivors sneak into their castle




and hide in the dark corners,




and watch in silence




the tortures of the archers.








One could not wait any more




he leaps from his spot of safety,




he slays the foul leader,




the rest wait in anxiety.








They leap out yet as well




and slay every living knight,




they rescue ther hostages




away from their plight.








I'll add more, but I have to go now.

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Next part...








As for a story...you're seeing the beggining of it...








Saradomin truimphed again,




the citizens of Falador knew peace.




But over in the dark moors,




the animals were not at ease.








The weather seemed to transform




into a horrid beast.




There was no such thing as safety




in the far lands of the North-East.








The ghosts screeched, the bears cowered,




gone were an adventurer's track




for something unnatural was coming,




beyond the doing of Zamorak.








The people muttered, "Doomsday has come!"




Others screamed, "Zamorak will kill us!"




None of them knew it was their past




creeping out of the darkness.

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