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0% Config on Download Client


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I have done all of the options in the RS problem post, yet still having a problem. When running the Downloaded client of RuneScape, at some point, it freezes, so I close the client, and it will not become unfrozen. So, I re-open the client, and it says "Loading Configuration - 0%" The entire time, with nothing loading. I also run the web client, and I get the game crash error every time I load the game, even in the lowest settings. I've allocated memory, cleared cache, everything like that, yet nothing has worked. Any suggestions?

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~I am a true Hero.~

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This sometimes happens to me with firefox too. Try killing the process for the download client using the task manager instead of x-ing out of it.


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It could have, but it is next to impossible because it also could have been caused by the flying spaghetti monster, or one of the other infinite number of deity possibilities.

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That's my main problem. I cannot use task manager due to a virus. The virus disabled it, and every way to get it back. :/ Otherwise I would do so. I'm probably going to end up selling this computer and buying a new one, as it's more than likely a problem with the computer itself.

vNewDisease.png vNewDisease.png


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That's my main problem. I cannot use task manager due to a virus. The virus disabled it, and every way to get it back. :/ Otherwise I would do so. I'm probably going to end up selling this computer and buying a new one, as it's more than likely a problem with the computer itself.

Replacing the HDD or reformatting would get the same end result for a fraction of the price, unless you have a particularly old system.





"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Removing the virus could help. Other than that, I had a similar problem in Linux. Basically you had to load RuneScape without having any other windows open. Try exiting out of all other programs and try it again.


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My system is from about... ~2000, so it's pretty old. I've closed all programs, yet same result. I've just decided to purchase a new computer, a much better computer, yet for the same price I paid for this one 10 years ago. Lol. I've been unable to remove the virus, as, it seems to have blocked any way for me to use anti-virus software. But, it's an old computer and needs to be taken apart anyway.

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That's my main problem. I cannot use task manager due to a virus. The virus disabled it, and every way to get it back. :/ Otherwise I would do so. I'm probably going to end up selling this computer and buying a new one, as it's more than likely a problem with the computer itself.

No need to sell just because of a virus. Absolute worst case scenario would be having to get a new Hard Drive. Try installing malwarebytes onto a memory stick from another computer and running in safe mode. It should be able to catch it.

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That's my main problem. I cannot use task manager due to a virus. The virus disabled it, and every way to get it back. :/ Otherwise I would do so. I'm probably going to end up selling this computer and buying a new one, as it's more than likely a problem with the computer itself.

No need to sell just because of a virus. Absolute worst case scenario would be having to get a new Hard Drive. Try installing malwarebytes onto a memory stick from another computer and running in safe mode. It should be able to catch it.


I would agree with trying to remove the virus before selling it. You'd get more for it.


And well, the thing is he wanted to get a new one because it's ~11 years old.


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That's my main problem. I cannot use task manager due to a virus. The virus disabled it, and every way to get it back. :/ Otherwise I would do so. I'm probably going to end up selling this computer and buying a new one, as it's more than likely a problem with the computer itself.

No need to sell just because of a virus. Absolute worst case scenario would be having to get a new Hard Drive. Try installing malwarebytes onto a memory stick from another computer and running in safe mode. It should be able to catch it.


I would agree with trying to remove the virus before selling it. You'd get more for it.


And well, the thing is he wanted to get a new one because it's ~11 years old.


I have attempted to remove it the virus before hand, and it just came back. That, or it's a new virus. I've already purchased a new computer, and it's going to come in about a week. As for my current desktop, I'll format it, and sell it. I'm getting annoying with it, however, because it takes 20 minutes to start up, and formatting it might take a few hours.


Sad thing is.. The time of purchase, it was around $400.. And the computer I just bought was $120, and it's 4x better with everything, RAM, Hard Drive, and Graphics card.

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