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Trollbomber's Blog To Completionist - Max Cape Achieved

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Decided to go ahead and get caught up on the 2 newest quests when I wasn't in the mood for thieving last night. I honestly miss the old quests that were difficult or had any sort of challenge to them. All of the new spoon fed quests with hardly any combat, low requirements, and all items supplied get old quickly. Although it may sound biased, I wish they'd make more grandmaster level quests with 90+ skill requirements, but anyway:






Managed to stick around long enough at PP today to get this:




I should have 99 a week from now granted I dont rq too much to go be lazy at ivy, haha. Did a bit of livid & fletching the other day to test out how /wrist it is, and it's definitely going to suck. Only 6k arrows felt like forever, so the remaining 468k arrows / 720k produce are :thumbdown:


Oh well. Dat max cape in 24 days :ohnoes:

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Primarily trained thieving this evening, with the exception of messing around on the beta for a bit. It was fun for a little while, but I have a feeling it's going to take me forever to get used to. Did manage to get a level though:




~664k from 96 which I'll easily get tomorrow, along with 97 if I have time.


I've decided to go ahead and ragequit the idea of the livid farm + broad arrows simultaneously due to the fact I have a hard time pushing out even 10k arrows/hr, meaning I wouldn't be 99 fletching by the time I got the 850k produce anyway. Although it would save 25-30 hrs in the long run, I plan on playing at a more relaxed pace after Max Cape anyway, so I don't mind. I'm not sure what broad arrows top out at when completely focused but I've heard 600-700k/hr meaning I only have 10-12 hours of fletching for 99.


By shaving off the hours saved from livid this month, I'm down to about 55 hours to maxing if I were to train agility at a course. I've considered doing TT to "efficiently" use the elite reward lamps on agility, but judging by my recent change of heart on the fletching/livid farm relationship, that's doubtful.


Also, today finally marks 1 year of my blog being around, whoop whoop!


Stats 1 year ago






161,860,468 Overall XP / 2800 HRS Playtime = 57,807 XP/HR


Overall Rank of 46,153




399,038,059 Overall XP / 4469 HRS Playtime = 89,290 XP/HR


Overall Rank of 5,960


Not sure where I'll be at a year from now ;)

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I was originally going to shoot for 97/98 Thieving by the end of this weekend but instead decided to relax and do broad arrows for a while. I still managed to finish up 96 thieving before moving onto fletching this morning though:




Also did almost 4.2M fletch xp today, giving me 5 levels:




With "only" 156k arrows left to fletch, 99 tomorrow is what I'm going for. I'll also be going for 99 Agility on Tuesday as I'm only 4-5 hours from 99.




Afterwards I have about 15 hours of plunder to do followed by 24 hours of ivy until maxing out. Should still be able to get 99 Thieving next weekend despite taking a slight detour to knock out Fletching & Agility.


Technically I'll probably be able to max before the 29th, but I'm just going to stick with that day anyway. Any free time I have up until then I'll probably camp at ganos build the 50M back I need to pay my friend :sad:


I'm also considering doing some "from scratch" ideas for particular items/bosses as I've watched Runeshark do in the past, as they seem pretty interesting. I've always wanted to play as a DIY'er at times but don't feel like starting a whole new account, so this might be a fun alternative. Seeing as I wouldn't start for 3 more weeks at least, I'll have plenty of time to think up different ideas/goals :thumbup:

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#22 out of the way:




#23 in the form of 99 Agility is under 3 hours away and will easily happen tomorrow. Thieving will start right afterwards.


After some thought, I've decided to move the date of maxing up a bit to July 22nd. 120 DG would take me seemingly forever after the combat update, so I'm going to try my best to get as much of it out of the way right after maxing. I feel confident enough that I can manage at least 119 before the update, but will have my sights set on 120 to try and get 2496 before the combat revamp. Unfortunately it boils down to ~1125k DG xp/day I need to average, which doesn't seem entirely impossible, yet still enough to keep me very busy.

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Finished another 99 tonight as planned:




Also got this on my first run through plunderscape tonight:




~15 hours to 99 Thieving (hoping this Friday), followed by ~25 hours of ivy to Max Cape.




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Finished another thieving level last night, evening out my last to levels to max cape:




99 by the end of tomorrow is unlikely, and it will probably happen this next Sunday instead. That would leave me a week to get 99 woodcutting, which shouldn't be an issue considering I'm only 1757k away right now.





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Was going to start plunder again tonight but the afk-ness of ivy is just too comfortable to leave, so I got a wc level instead:




1144k from 99, and won't be training it anymore until after 99 Thieving. I shouldn't have a problem getting 98 tomorrow, and will probably get 99 Sunday or Monday. Chances are I'll go ahead and max out as soon as possible, seeing as it will probably happen before the 22nd, giving me more time to try for 120 DG afterwards.

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[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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Ended up getting distracted by Minecraft this weekend again, and have been busy trying to find a new place, so 99 thief and woodcut may take slightly longer than this week, but no big deal.




Selling spoiler alert



Walt and Jesse both die at the beginning of the episode.



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Been busy moving into my new place for the past week so gf rs = gf maxing.


Now that I'm settled in, hoping for 98 Thieving tonight (inb4lolyeahright), with my sights set on my original idea of maxing on the 29th. Only ~20 hours left so it shouldn't be too hard.


Guy is now called Troll Bomber. What's mad.

RIP Nerd Bomber

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Got 98 Thieving last night finally.


[will insert picture here when I'm home and not lazy]


Likely going to alternate between thieving and woodcutting until the 29th now, granted I can still pull it off by then.

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