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Strange RS Loading Problem


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Simply put, my problem is that I'm unable to load Runescape using Internet Explorer and Microsoft's Java VM. All that I see is a grey screen where the applet is supposed to be. But it gets more complicated than this. It seems to have only happened since this week's update (the agility pyramid one). It has worked fine in the past. And I honestly don't know what to do anymore.








First off, using Sun's JVM with Internet Explorer does work fine. Using Firefox and Sun's JVM also works fine. So I can play Runescape, but I really would like to be using Internet Explorer + MS JVM as I have crashing issues that happen too often with Sun's JVM. But that is beside the point.








What makes this weirder is that, if I select to use the unsigned applet using default java (which in my case is the MS JVM) Runescape loads perfectly fine. But obviously I don't want to use that since I have to download the files every time.








To add even more strangeness to this is the fact that Jagex's official Windows client works fine using the signed applet and the MS JVM. Now to the best of my knowledge, the client is using the Microsoft web browser control which technically uses Internet Explorer to render the web pages and such. What I do not understand here is why it works in the client and not in the standard Internet Explorer program...








Even stranger is this... I'm using Windows XP Pro. There are two user accounts on my computer. The one that I use has admin privileges. The other account is a limited user account. But guess what? Runescape loads fine in Internet Explorer using the signed applet on the limited user account! Again I ask, why does it not work on my own user account with admin privileges?








I have enabled the Java console also to see if any error messages popped up when I try loading the RS applet in Internet Explorer and I do get an error which is this:




java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: DZXWUJSL

at java/lang/ClassLoader.findSystemClass

at cloader.loadClass

at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass

at loader.run

at java/lang/Thread.run








I doubt that will help me very much in solving the issue as there are no error messages in the console on the limited user account of course.








I have also tried deleting all temporary files and cache files. I have deleted every file in C:\Windows\.file_store_32 (which is where RS stores it files). But none of that seems to have really helped.








However, after deleting the files in .file_store_32, I noticed that I see a progress bar on the applet that says "Loading game code" because it's downloading the files again. It gets to 100% and then just freezes. This is the exact moment that the Java error above appears in the console. After trying to reload the applet again, I get just grey screen again.








I do not really understand this at all. While I certainly can still play Runescape using the Windows client and the MS JVM, I still want to get to bottom of this and get this fixed. Does anyone have any suggestions?








EDIT: Well this is really strange. This morning it still was not working in Internet Explorer. Then about 10 minutes later, I checked again and it all of a sudden worked!? I'm really baffled.

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