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When shading line art


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when shading line art i sue the brush to aplly the colour gradually and in diffrent tones but it looks not right ,you can c where the colour is changed and it looks liek she cant put foundation properly.When i aplieng colour i use brussh at 30-50 strenght. if any 1 knows how to fix this i would really aprienceate it or give tips in shading in photoshop

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Doing that makes it techincally not pixel as you used sumat other than pixel by pixel application








For your blusher thing you said bout (your grammar was poor and I couldn;t exactly follow wat u said so i guessing) try manual dithering








aka think or it as like 3 zones








zone 1 - the blusher colour




zone 2 - tranfser zone (more later)




zone 3 - skin tone








now zone 2 is in the middle and should be roughly shade half blusher half skin tone, but u put randomly palced single pixels of the opposite colour into each hence when zoomed creating and mixed colour that gives an effect of fading thru








It you are juts talking bout normal shades and not 2 diff colours being shaded into 1 blend. Then you need to use more similar tones


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Did he ever say it was pixel? No. Lineart isn't always used in pixel. You can make lineart when brushing. Now what I do, Is I lay down all my colors in brushing, like where i have highlights and what not. Then to blend them, I just take the smudge tool. Looks pretty decent actually.

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Did he ever say it was pixel? No. Lineart isn't always used in pixel. You can make lineart when brushing. Now what I do, Is I lay down all my colors in brushing, like where i have highlights and what not. Then to blend them, I just take the smudge tool. Looks pretty decent actually.








My bad, didn't really know other types used lineart


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As the others have said, keep in mind that shading with true "pixels" must be done with the pencil tool, completely pixel by pixel.












Now, onto that question. Rendering/shading is very subjective, there isn't a "best" technique. But, personally, here is how I render in Photoshop:








1. Block BASIC colours, hard round ~100% opacity and 60-90% flow. This includes highlights, midtones, shadows, and everything else.








2. Use the ALT key to choose a colour. Paint with 20-50% opacity (use number keys for quick switching) and keep on using the ALT key to lay down more colours and intensities. I do this until I find I've defined my object enough through shadows & highlights, giving it a "3D" feel.








4. Repeat step two with very soft brushes and lower opacities, zoom in to make sure you don't ruin the shape. Just smooth out the rough transitions.








5. Add details, more colours, whatever..

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