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Ranging Guild Improvements


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So I thought that the Ranging Guild was quite easy to get into and the whole idea of the tower archers was stupid so I propose a new section to the guild.








Requirements: 70 Range








So they can make the guild a whole lot bigger and get Ranging Tickets for the shop in the high level place. I was thinking that mages now have a great wand, the empowering mage book, and the great infinity robes, rangers should get something.








There will be 3 courses in which you can get tickets (all the same unlike there is enchanting tickes and wateva the mage place has).








The first course is you have to range 10 targets down depending on your ranging level.








The next course is a sawmp.... You will get a ticket for every chompy you kill.








The last course is the Endurance course in which you have to attack or be attacked. There will be a Ranging Champion in the Guild who you have to get to 50hp. He has 100hp and he moves like crazy, everytime he hits you with an arrows you get 5hp down.








With 1000 tickets you can buy full silver D Hide. It has better stats than Black D hide.








Now there is the Woodsmen Long and Shortbow (700 tickets for short, 800 tickets for longwhich cannot be fletched. It has +76 Range and it has NO SPECIAL.












There is also a person who buys feathers and there is a shop that sells cheap arrows.








There is also a new bank in the guild.








The chompy kills here do not count to your chompey hat level.








The good point of the guild - there is a training spot (like zoo cages) which holds black demons, baby blue dragons, and jogres.








If you have nothing good to say then dont say it at all.

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With 1000 tickets you can buy full silver D Hide. It has better stats than Black D hide.




dude, no. just no.




full black D hide already has way too good melee def stats to begin with.




we all know the triangle dont we?




melee is weak versus magic




magic is weak versus range




range is weak versus melee.








melee armour has NEGATIVE defence stats for magic




magic "armour" has next to NO defence stats against range (no defence vs. melee either, but they have entangle, which is kinda like 100% protection, so that doesnt count)




range has quite good defence stats vs. melee?








how come warriors and mages have no, or even negative defence agaist there weakness, but ranged has quite a lot? (more than half the defence of full rune ?!?!)








and then we also have the fact that ranged is the cheapest.




(note that these gears are training gears, and have a reasonable cost/usefullness compromise)




for melee: whip, full torags, obby shield, obby cape/legends cape, glory ammy, and a bit of other junk which i will not include cuz im lazy.




that'll cost you around 6,5 mill, give or take a few 100k.




so melee is: highest starting cost, none to low upkeep (food, barrow set repairs)








for magic: ancient staff, full mystic/full ahrims, legends cape, glory ammy, and some more stuff i am again too lazy to talk about, the need to complete the hardest quest in the game to get to your full glory which you will probably die on a few times....




500K starting cost (more if you use ahrims) a few hundred K for desert treasure. runes are absurdly expensive (2k per spell for ice barrage) so




medium starting cost, VERY high upkeep.








for ranged: hey, this is a cheap one, ranger helm, full black D hide, magic bow, glory ammy, legends cape, and some more stuff i am too lazy to talk about... thats around 300-350k.




if you dont pick up your projectiles, iron knives, 20 gp each shot.




if you do, addy arrows, 100-150 each???, you pick up about 3/4rth of your arrows so thats (150/4) 37,5 gp each shot.




so thats low starting cost, low upkeep.




and your armour has defence against all classes.








i dont think you need another, even better set of armour, do you?

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Ditto Moij. But I do agree the Ranging guild is very boring.








Element, in reply to your "if you have nothing good to say then dont say it at all" comment, you LEARn from criticism, and getting only positive comments when the suggestion is 100% crap, is pointless.



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