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I haven't played in about 4 years...Where do I start?


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I've been playing this game on and off since 2001. I've never really regarded it as much of a game I take seriously but have met some good folks a while ago and recently decided to attempt to get back into it. My character has one 99 skill (Woodcutting) which I got back in about...2006, which back then was an accomplishment as to where I've seen nearly everyone with a skill cape now. It's cool. He was a level 3 originally intended to get 99 smithing/mining but I scraped that idea due to time restraints and just kind of liked the social aspect that this game had at the time and made some good friends woodcutting (Wasn't really even intended to get the skill to 99, just sort of happened) and then just started to leveling/questing a bunch of stats randomly. However, I ended up getting hacked and I kind of lost any drive to get all the stuff I had back. It was whatever though. Just virtual items in a game, wasn't really upset but at the same time wasn't really motivated to play after that, if that makes sense.


I tried playing this game again close to around a year ago, but around the time there were so many bots that it turned me off of playing. I logged in again to see that it's much different and there are so many worlds now that players seemed spanned and it's just kind of empty.


I'd like to get my quest points up because those are seriously lacking...Then a bunch of other stats up (I have 3 level 1 stats: hunting, dungoneering, and summoning)


So I ask you guys politely, where would someone in my shoes begin? I don't really feel like 99ing more stats (I'm 93 firemaking and 87 fletching, and both of those things are tedious and not fun.) but I want to get into the real fun aspect of the game rather then do the same thing over and over again. Maybe make some money on the side.


Yeah, sorry for rambling...

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Based on what you've said, I suggest group questing. The quests will help you to avoid tedious skilling, since you may only have to skill levels to meet a quest's requirements. Doing it in a group will give you that social aspect you spoke of enjoying.


If you can get a group together to do low level dungeoneering you would have a decently social alternative to group questing.


Welcome back to the game, and good luck. :)

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Welcome back :grin:


For quests, you can use the filter system in the quest tab so it only shows whatever quests you can complete, so you could do that first and hopefully complete a bunch, unlocking another bunch :grin:


For Summoning, just do Wolf Whistle and pick up every charm you see, Slayer's pretty good for charm collecting ;)

Dungeoneering starts slowly, but it gets much faster at higher levels, and is fun to do with friends <_<

Hunting...Bleh, IDK.


Ooh, do herb runs whenever you can, they bring in a pretty decent amount of cash, and get MTK up and running, if it isn't already.


Have fuuuun :thumbup:


Click for blog - Thanks to Iglw for the amazing signature ;)

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I'm in pretty much the same situation as you... and the best friends i used to play with are now completionist and rarely have chat on :/ If you want someone to skill/quest with i'm always up for it! im only like 20-odd dungeoneering myself.. and never touched hunter/construction lol :P

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