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How to get rid of lagspikes?


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I just bought a new computer (yay). While playing RS i experience 5-10 sec lagspikes every minute or so.

Im pretty sure its not a hardware problem. I tried using the game client, but i get the same problems.


Does anyone have a suggestion what to do next?


I used to play on my laptop (WiFi), with no problems. The new PC uses a wired connection.




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Firstly please post the specs of both your computer and laptop, its not really a good idea to rule out hardware so quickly. If you'd like to do this easily, just download Speccy and copy and paste the summary here. Do these laggspikes happen every minute rhythmically or is it sometimes no lagg for 1 hour but then the next hour laggspikes? Have you tried changing the cable or use a different port to connect to the PC?


Also copy post up the results from the following websites:



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First of all - thanks for your reply.


The lag spikes appears rhythmically every minute or so.


These are the specs for my new PC:



My laptop is a MacBook Pro.

I've tried using the wired connection on my laptop with no problems.

I live with two of my friends, which play RS as well, and they don't experience any problems either.


These are my speed- and pingtest results:





I notice that i has trouble measuring my packet loss. I ran the test several times with same result - maybe this could be the issue?


btw: i've got Java (Version 7 Update 4) installed.




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Its very likely that the problem is because of your internet connection. For Pingtest anything less that an A as a score is a cause for concern. No matter how fast your download and upload speeds are, online games will suffer severely if your packets aren't being sent/received properly (For more info check here http://pingtest.net/learn.php)


Do your friends use Wi-Fi or a wired connection? are both their computers Macs also? It could be possible that the cable you are using for your wired connection may be faulty, try using another cable and also plug it into a different port on your router. Since your friends have no problems playing RS it basically comes down to what is different about your setup compared to theirs.


Ask your friends to run a Pingtest :thumbup:

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I just solved the problem by getting the right java version (another older one). Hurray!

It also made us realise we had to look into our packet loss, but i think we have that covered as well.


I'm very thankfull for your advice, and maybe others can benefit as well.




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