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Lvl 120

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Hey, I am a very on and off player and just mainly looking for a relaxed clan. I have a hetic schedule so I do not like to have to commit to a certain amount of events and I am not big into pking or warring. I will be active on forums, but really just looking for a clan to chat with while playing runescape. My stats are below, and I am currently working on finishing all my skills to 70.




Oh I would like to have a higher level clan.

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Hi there. :)


Pehaps you may be interested in my clan - The British Elites. Dont be put off by the name, we have members from all around the world :P.


Our only requirements are that you are atleast level 100 and gain a minimum of 4 activity points a month. This is very easy to achieve as we run atleast one event a day and offer several other opptunities to gain a point including taking part in the weekend skill competitions and capping at the citadel. With an average of 12 normal events a week with an additional 4 available just from capping at the citadel and taking part in the clan skill comp you should have no problem getting this minimum :D.


We have a lot of members, I think currently about 100 active, so there are lots of people for you to talk with whilst you play RS. We also use IRC - which is very good for chatting.. and Team Speak - allows members to use a mic to communicate.


I hope that we are what you are looking for. If there are any questions that you may have then please do let me know so I can answer them.


Here is a link to our forum where you can find an application form, if you would like to join. Hopefully see you soon? :P





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Hey there, I know it's been a bit since you've posted. If you're still looking for a clan, I'd like to invite you to check out The Death Monkeighs!


We've been around for over 6 years! TDM is a multi-clan, which means we do many things that would appeal to and challenge any type of player. We have an active citadel (entirely optional participation), occasional wars and war practices, pking, bossing, mini-games, skilling events, and competitions. If you have any questions, feel free to add me in game "Ava". Hope to see you soon!


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. w e b s i t e . l|l . f o r u m s . l|l . a p p l y .




Please join "The Death Monkeighs" clan CC as our guest.

A v a .


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