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Claws on Smithing Tables


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It seems the Smithing Tables are off when it comes to the levels necessary to make claws of several metals. Here is a screen shot of Rune Claws from RS:




The Smithing Tables have claws listed at level 98 still.


I didn't take a picture of the others, but here are the stats:


Iron is level 23 in RS, but 28 on the tables.


Steel is 38 in RS, 43 on the tables.


Mithril is 58 in RS, 63 on tables.


Adamant is 78 in RS, 83 on tables.


Bronze is correct.


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It seems that Jagex changed the levels at some point and only bronze was updated. Thanks for bringing this to our attention! The tables have been edited and you've been credited :)

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