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Katz Meister signing in here at Tip.it

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Hey guys,


allow me to introduce myself. I am Katz Meister, I'm 20 years old and currently a carefree player of RuneScape. I have been a member of this website for many years but without officially making an account. I use Tip It as my reference for alot of things from weapon stats to tips and hints to the monster hunting guides for my first time at going PvM on a new monster. I decided to create an account because I wanted to give something back to this great community.


Currently I make videos on YouTube. I make everything from Quest guides to PvM to interviews (my last interview being with Castle Wars) to weekly updates to ... well you get my drift lol. I put alot of effort into my YouTube videos and always try to do a Commentary in all my videos. I am very outspoken and will always reveal my opinion. I am open to new suggestions for videos and I am currently looking to expand on my videos and create better content. Got any ideas? PM me about it =D


Also guys PLEASE subscribe as it would mean the world to me and I really want to spread my content to as many people as possible.


If you want to check out my Channel you can here. I am also on Twitter which you can visit here.


Now what do I feel I can offer the community?


Well I have my YouTube videos and I am currently taking all video requests and any criticism. I am currently doing a From Scratch series and currently looking to do another series. My friends chat is always open and I am open to making new friends.


Another thing I can offer is technical help. I am currently studying a mixture or computer science with computer security at university so I do try to offer any advice and answers for anything technical. I usually take this to a known website that allows users to ask and answer questions.


Last thing I think I can offer is graphical help. I have been using Photoshop for a number of years and feel that I know a little bit. I have created signatures in the past as well as wallpapers for YouTube channels.


Thank you guys and I hope that I can fit in here and help you all.


Feel free to PM me or join my friends chat ingame.




~Katz Meister

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-= K a t z M e i s t e r =-


My YouTube channel

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Welcome! :D

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