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Monster hunting guide Suggestion

rilo kiley

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idk if this is wrong place for this, since its not a "fact" not really a correction, but since the waterfiends/skeletal wyverns are a bit outdated i just suggest a few things,


WATERFIENDS- Chaotic Maul > GOLIATH GLOVES > Saradomin Sword/Zamorakian spear


and armour for them gano top/bottom > karils while protecting range


Skeletal Wyverns - GOLIATH GLOVES > other weapons all with dragonfire shield

seperate from maul method, but golis since theyre weak to crush and the speed is fantastic,


my friend is 20m summoning xp and hes done alot of both, and he said he prefers goliath gloves at wyverns over anything, and iv seen alot of people argue over speed/power but id assume that no matter what maul is best at waterfiends, but goliath gloves should be at 2nd best weapon for them due to great speed and crush over sara sword etc....

and gano iv found to be very helpful at waterfiends when protecting missiles.....


just suggesting :P

iOwn.... (kinda)

2 year old account, Hoping to max before 3-year mark.

Drops - LOTS! =P

1500 total, 2000 total, 2200 total, 2400 total, 2496 total, 2595 total.

99s in order: 99 herblore, 99 firemaking, 99 cooking, 99 strength, 99 Constitution, 99 Attack, 99 ranged, 99 dungeoneering, 99 summoning, 99 fletching,

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