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I lost all my screenshots can you help me please


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please help me, i lost my screenshots that i've took since i started this game and if anything happened to them i would quit rs or even sell my account, cuz i just can't....please help me

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I updated swiftkit without knowing what will happen, well my biggest fears happened, losing all of my screenshots, and if i can't recover it...idk i'll just quit this game...

Edited by Simmo
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The update shouldn't have deleted your screenshots. Trying seeing if they are here:

Open up my computer, then navigate to: C:\Programme files(x86)\Swiftkit\Screenshots\YOUR-NAME-HERE or replace YOUR-NAME-HERE with default.

Click the image above to be taken to the Wilderness Guardians website.

Advisor in Wilderness Guardians

Honourary Member in Clan Europe

Ex-Leader Of Descendant Guardians and True Supremacy

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The update may have unintentionally changed the folder that Swiftkit saves your ScreenCaps to... Meaning when you navigate to where you think they are, they wont be there :(


You can check where you pictures are being saved to by going to:-


View > Settings > Screenshots.


The path of your Screen Caps will be the top option :)




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If you are still unable to find them after checking the Swiftkit install folder, they may be in the Windows VirtualStore folder this a some what hidden/complex folder to access and I would be willing to talk you though the process of access it.


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