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Tip.It "Stranded" First group begun!


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*returns from jungle with leaves, sticks, and some rocks* Ugh, these are heavy. *drops on ground near fire, then starts to whittle the sticks into poles* Alright, gonna have some poles, some leaves, and some rocks, these should work. *places poles into ground, and then places some more on those to create a frame of sticks* Careful... *Monkey then gets leaves and drags them to Birdboy60* Oh, thanks Monkey. Have some more fruit *tosses a fruit to Monkey, then focuses on carefully tying the leaves together* Man this is hard. *places the leaves on the frame, then places rocks at bottom to hold leaves from blowing away* There, a little tent-hut thing for now. Time to work on cooking these fish *points to fish that willy caught earlier*








*using remaining sticks, Birdboy60 builds a spit-roast over fire, and then adds a log to the fire which was burning low* Here we go. I'm going to find a place to put these fruit.




*walks to shelter, then starts digging a small hole nearby* Monkey, go get some more leaves. *Monkey runs off in search of leaves, and comes back with about 10 or 15* Thanks. Hey, anyone hungry? You can have some fruit, cause I have plenty! *starts placing leaves in hole, then places some fruit on the leaves in the hole, leaving some near fire, then covers hole with leaves, and places rocks around the leaves to hold them in place* Man I'm tired, I think I'll lay down for a bit. *crawls inside shelter and falls asleep, Monkey climbs a nearby small tree and dozes off too*

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*Sees the water and the huge waterfall and walks up to the river. Kneels down and cups her hands to scoop up some water and wash the wound on her head*








Eeeshh... it stings a little, but I think I'll be alright.








*Watches some fish dart around in the clear water of the river*








This river is loaded with fish... God... I've never been fishing in my life...








*Frowns, and turns around to watch Willy and Birdboy60, helping out whenever she can, and prepares to cook the fish that Willy has caught*








Well, the shelter is nice, but, rather small. Surely not big enough for all of us to be in at one time... You think maybe some metal or something from the wreck could help us construct a larger, more stable one?








*Walks back toward the wreckage*








I think I'll take a look. I'll be back soon, you guys.

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*wakes up as Kayla is just leaving* *thinks to self: "wonder where she's going... "* *sits up and hits head on shelter* OW! Man this is small, I should expand it. But perhaps I can find a med kit near the wreckage, just in case, and Kayla seems to be going that way, I guess I'll go see if I can help. After all, she did help me. *grabs spear, crawls out of shelter, stands up, and jogs after Kayla, leavingMonkey asleep in tree*








Hey, wait up! *catches up with Kayla and continues toward crash zone with her* Maybe we can find a med kit to help with your injury... or at least something useful...

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*Walks back to the crash scene, the smell of burning rubble and flesh wafts to her nose and becomes more sickening the closer she gets. She kicks through the dead bodies and rubble, trying to stay away from the main fire. Spots a large, jagged piece of aluminum, bigger than she is, strewn in a mass of ground level shrubs. She grabs it, and drags it away to find underneath it, an unharmed, untorched suitcase. But, it is locked.*








Hmmm... this is quite strange... We'll see what the others think of it...








*Since she cannot stand the smell anymore, she puts the suitcase on top of the piece of aluminum and drags it through the forest back to the area where the other survivors have camped out*








Hey guys! Look what we found! This could be useful for building some sort of larger shelter, and this suitcase might have something useful in it... But, it's secured with a lock.








*Throws the suitcase down near the fire so that everyone can inspect it*

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*also finds a large piece of metal, and the med kit I was looking for* Excellent! And in great condition too! *spots a small, sharp looking piece* I bet I could make an axe out of this... Wha..What was that? *heres a fearsome growl, and metal being slashed at and thrown apart* Uh-oh, I sense trouble... *Turns and takes off running, half-carrying, half-dragging the large sheet of metal, med kit, and sharp metal piece, looks back and sees a large black "creature" sprinting after him* HOLY CRAP! AHHHHH! *falls forward after a large swipe tears into his back* Ugh... *everything goes black...*

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*Hears a strange sound and turns around*








I could have swornd Birdboy60 was behind me...








*Heart starts to beat faster, brandishes knife and walks back in the forest into the direction she came from, looks around the forest*








Birdboy60! Can you hear me?








*Hears a growl from behind her... Turns around to see a shadowy like creature*
















*Creature leaps at her but, she manages to stab it and it runs away. She spots Birdboy60, passed out in the brush and bleeding*








Oh my god!








*Runs to him and shakes him*
















*Finds the medkit he was carrying and uses it to treat the bleeding wounds on his back the best she can*








C'mon man! Wake up!

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w..wh..what... what happened? *slowly comes to, rolls onto back, only to be fully awoken by the searing pain* OWWWWWW!!! *jumps up, sees Kayla and the open med kit* What happened? What was that thing? *Stumbles toward nearest tree, leans on tree* Jeez that hurt. How long wass I out... Ugh, I'm dizzy. I remember going and getting the med kit and metal, and then running from a black "thing" and then I just blacked out. Thanks for helping me though. *picks up the stuff and continues slowly and akwardly towards camp, and collapses once I get there, luckily not landing on the metal*








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*Walks along with him toward the camp*








You weren't out long... and yeah, I saw that "thing"... I managed to injure it... I hope.








*Watches as he collapses*








If you need anything, feel free to ask me. Try to get some rest. Those wounds are pretty bad, and if you don't treat yourself right, they'll get infected.








*Starts to set up another shelter using the large pieces of metal, then, sets out to find some sticks to fashion an axe out of the smaller sharp piece of metal, setting the medkit near Birdboy60 just in case he needs anything from it*








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*wakes back up, stands up carefully, then walks over towards the shelter under construction* Hmm, I bet if we were to place this here, that over there, and just move these over that way... *makes complicated hand movements, then picks up and eats fruit, and suddenly feels better* wow, these fruit must be slightly magical or something... *goes, picks up some metal, and starts moving things around, increasing size of shelter to allow multiple people inside at once* Hmm, still could use work... *brings more sticks over, then creates a back wall, to prevent the wind from entering from behind* Hey... I bet I could get some more fruit... *grabs spear, walks back towards pile of fruit I left earlier* That fruit must have some healing properties, because my back doesn't hurt. Wierd... *picks up more food, returns to camp, drops into the hole with the other fruit, then adds another log to fire* Hmm, I must have slept through the night... Woah! the fish are gone! *Looks around* I wonder if I can get some fish... *walks over to river, finds a spot with lots of fish, trys harpooning with spear* This is hard.

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*Finds a good branch and sits down by the fire, working on the piece of metal to make an axe out of it, occasionally helps Birdboy60 with the shelter, and eats some fish. Is done with the axe by morning*








:D I made an axe!








*Does a little victory dance, then goes inside the shelter and falls asleep quickly*

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Not too bad if I say so myself... *finnaly stops fishing, after having caught 5 medium sized fish* Hey, Willy, can you help me get these ready? My back is killing me and I think I should rest for a bit. By the way, thanks for making the axe and such, really those are going to be useful. *walks to fire and sits on a log, tossing a log onto the fire, then begins examining the axe* Pretty simple, but should do the job. * Puts axe down, then looks around, then suddenly jumps up, grabs spear, and hurls it towards the jungle* {The large "thing" isn't dead yet, and if you though Kayla killed it, think again} *the creature crys out in pain, then runs off in pain, unaware of the trail of blood it leaves* HA! I've got you now! *runs after the creature, unaware that the spear got stuck, and I am now unarmed* Oh no you don't! I'm gonna repay you for what you did to me earlier! *loses sight of creature, so looks around* Hey, what are these??? *notices some statue-like objects and walks over to them* These are wierd... hey, they have gems on them! *reaches for a gem, but suddenly is blasted backwards by a seemingly magical force* WOAH!








*mean while the creature is about 5 yards away, and starts to slow down due to fatigue* Hmm, I'll come back to these later, but first I'm going to kill that black thing! *runs off following trail of blood on ground*

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*Wakes up after hearing a cry*
















*Sits up and notices a trail of blood leading into the jungle, stands up and follows it, while readying knife. Comes to some small statues and kneels down to look at them*








How odd...








*Hears some rustling in the foliage nearby and looks around*

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*finds the weak "creature", and notices the spear still in its side* I've got you right where I want you... *slowly approaches the "creature", graspsthe spear, pulls it out, and is thrown aback that the spear has no blood on it* What the heck?:shock: This makes no sense! How can this be leaving a trail of blood, but not leave blood on the spear that is inside its side!?! *Raises spear above head, and is about to stab the "creature" through the heart when it suddenly starts to morph* HOLY CRAP! Whats happening?!? *the "creature suddenly appears as a fish, then a weasel, then a human-like form, and finally stops on a panther shaped body* This is a shape-shifter! Woah! This is cool and scary at the same time! Better finish this off once and for all. *stabs the shape-shifter through the heart, the shape-shifter screams out in a piercing shriek, then starts to melt, and then disappears altogether, except for a small amount which had enveloped one shoes, but nobody notices because it takes the exact appearence of the shoe* Ugh, I feel wierd now, I better get back to camp and make sure everyone is still okay. *starts heading back, and the trail of blood disapears behind Birdboy60*

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*Hears the shriek and jumps to her feet*








What was that?!








*Looks around to see Birdboy60 emerging from the forest*








What was that? What happened? You shouldn't be out here by yourself... especially in your condition with those wounds...

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It's okay, I just killed that creature. Actually, it was a shape-shifter! But the wierd part is, it just disappeared when I killed it. Oh well, but its fine, my back doesn't hurt much anymore. How is your head? Come on, it's fine now, let's get back to camp. The fruit seems to help heal you faster too. *begins to slowly walking back to camp, still unaware of the "parasite" on one shoe*

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You killed that thing? Wow. Congrats...








*Walks with him back to the camp and eats a piece of fruit*








Wow... My head feels surprisingly better.








*Begins to cook the fish that was caught earlier, occasionally staring at the still locked suitcase sitting by the fire*








Did you see those statues? They were a bit weird looking, huh?

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Not just wierd looking, just plain out wierd. They zapped me and shot me backwards. Don't touch them, no matter how much you want the gems. *pulls out swiss army knife and begins trying to pick the lock with different tools* Hmm, hey Kayla, where did you find this? It's locked prett- *all of a sudden the lock snaps open* WOW! I didn't know I could do that! *attempts to open suitcase, but it won't* Dang it, there's another lock! And its a combonation lock too. Jeez, this is tricky. *sniffs air* Man those fish smell good. Those the ones I caught?

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O.O It zapped you? Wow... That's more than strange! Maybe we should examine them a bit closer later on.... I found that suitcase near the crash site. It was in the bushes near the ruins of the plane, under some of the metal I brought back here...








*Offers Birdboy60 and everyone else some fish*








These are the fish you caught earlier.
















Eat up. We have shapeshifters around here! Be thankful for all the energy you can get.








*Takes a bite out of a fish*








Hey Birdboy60, a thought just occured to me... maybe if we go back to the crash site, we might be able to find a clue as to what the combination is for that lock.

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Maybe it belongs to Willy... Hey, Willy, is this your suitcase??? *starts drawing in sand with spear tip, then takes a bite out of the fish, then continues drawing and eating* Hmm, that might work... *continues working on the drawing, making little changes by rubbing them out and redrawing, eventually stands up and walks towards crash, with shirt covering nose to block smell* Hey, I'm going to get more stuff from the crash! I'll be back soon!

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