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Cryptic Clue Fest 2013 Help


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I'm just a regular old joe player. This cryptic clue fest stuff really goes over my head. Could someone at least direct me to where I can get some help? It seemed odd that Tip.it hasn't had anything on it yet. I'm sure a lot of you don't find Christmas crackers worth getting, but I'm pure nub and need a little help lol.


I didn't want to be a dbag and post it on the RS forums. Hope y'all don't mind me trying to ruin all the fun of the cryptic clue fest but this stuff just blows right over my head.


I'm referring to today's clue, and any that may come after.


Great we are all kitted out with chairs and tables. Now comes the big one, the oven. We can't have a restaurant without an oven.


I have managed to find someone who is the ultimate authority on all things hot and he.. she... it has agreed to make me an oven. Find my clues and get moving!


Is there like a twitter I'm supposed to follow or something? I read that and all I can think is the Tzhaar pits... but I wouldn't have a clue what supplies he would need.


At this point, any help would be appreciated.

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check reddit.com/r/2007scape, normally there's a clue thread there. 4 limestone, 3 iron bars and 1 coal to tzhaar banker for today's btw

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