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Divination/Agility/Smithing Training


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i have a few questions:


1. For divination training at lvl 80, what would be better - continue with elder wisps or do i move to the lvl 80 spot brilliant wisps? the wiki says elder wisps have 2k higher xp/hr but is this true even though brilliant wisps give more xp per memory?


2. for agility, is there an easier way to get the silverhawk boots for training agility, or is it pure luck? if not, would flash powder factory be recommended as an alternative to the agility courses? 


3. I want to start using the artisans workshop but I'm a bit confused by the guides around - which of the options (ingots/ceremonial swords/etc.) are best and most cost effective to do there? what materials should i bring for said options?



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Spins, Keys same thing but yea he meant keys. 


As for the Artisan Workshop,I'd suggest doing burial armor to keep cost low and if you do Adamant I it will be same cost as it would be to buy the ores to make an Addy Bar for normal smithing. The ratios for ores is same as standard bar of that type but tier I uses exact amount of ores as standard bar of the material. Tier II and III use same ratio of coal to main ore but require a lot more of it.


I recommend Addy I for money sake but if you got a little extra money to spend got to Addy II or III. I did Iron and Steel during the Artisan Weekend =/ bad idea guy with lot lower smith lvl than me did Addy I and caught up to me gaining like 7 -10 lvls while I only gained 2.



Forgot to mention you gain respect while performing your smithing and small task around the workshop such as doing the Bronze Ceremonial Sword Random and fixing the pipes there. You can spend the respect down stairs at the stairs at the workshop entrance to get more xp working in the workshop. So while doing burial armor start spending that respect to increase xp for burial armor. There's 3 different xp increases fr burial armor and you need to by them in order.




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Silverhawks are pure luck, all you can do to increase your chance of getting them is buy more bonds/spins.


Is actually wrong.


The chance on obtaining it stays the same, but by using more keys one could encounter it more and therefore each tie you encounter it, you get a shot at obtaining it. Each shot has the same chance, however.

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