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Ash to a billion: the story of a true merchant


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Finds ash on floor




Sells ash for 200gp [200]




Buys a sapphire [0]




Trades the sapphire for a ring of recoil [0]




Sells ring for 2k [2,000]




Buys 2 unids [0]




Gets 2 ranaars, sells 7k ea [14,000]




Buys rune axe [0]




Sells axe for 30k [30,000]




Buys a DDS [0]




Sells DDS for 60k [60,000]




Buys full black dragonhide [0]




Sells it on for 70k [70,000]




Buys a rune kite and scimmy [0]




Sells them both for 100k [100,000]




Buys a Dragon long for 90k [10,000]




Sells it on for 100k [110,000]




Buys a glory ammy and 300 lobbies [0]




Sells them both for 170k [170,000]




Buys a dragon battleaxe [20,000]




Sells the battleaxe for 200k [220,000]




Buys 1k yew logs [0]




Collects 1k bow strings




Makes, then sells 1k yew longs for 600k [600,000]




Buys 2.5k yew logs [0]




Alcs them for 1.2M [1,200,000]




Buys a dragon med helm for 700k [500,000]




Sells it on for 1 mil [1.5M]




Buys Dragon shield [0]




Sells it on for 2.6M [2.6M]




Buys whip [200,000]




Sells whip for 3.1M [3.5M]




Buys whip [1.1M]




Sells whip for 3M [4.1M]




Buys green mask [0]




Sells mask for 15M [15M]




Buys 2 santas and a whip [0]




Sells santas 8M ea, whip 3M [29M]




Buys 4 satnas [1M]




Sells santas 8M ea [33M]




Buys yellow phat [3M]




Sells phat 40M [43M]




Buys purple phat [13M]




Sells phat 60M [73M]




Buys 100k ess, 100k yews and 100k bs [2M]




Makes 110k nats (RC 99) and 100k yew longs




Sells nats 330ea [38.3M]




Alcs yew longs 768ea [115.1M]




Buys 10k ranaars [55.1M]




Makes 10k prayer pots and sells 8k ea [135.1M]




Kills the KQ 10 times with his PJer friends




Gets 3 D chains and D2H




Sells 2 chains 25M ea [185.1M]




Buys 100k ess [159.1M]




Crafts 100k and uses them for mage (Lv 99, woot) [159.1M]




Spends 3.1M on seeds (Woo 99 farming) [156M]




Grows trees/herbs and sells the result of them for 5M [161M]




Lv126 friend quits and gives him phat set (woot!)




Sells party hat set for 400M [561M]




Buys 100k magic logs and 100k bowstrings [446M]




High alcs the bows he gets (Lv 99 fletching and mage too =D)




Gets 1,536 per bow [599.6M]




Scams someone for a blue phat (hehe)




Sells phat for 130M [689.6M]




Robs draygnor bank (Yes, it was him) gets 188.4M cash and blue phat [878M]




Sells phat for 126M [1004M] but buys dragon armour for 18M [896M]




Buys 100k yew sand bs [851M]




High alcs bows [927.8M]




Barrows is out, so he does some barrows runs




Gets every set 10 times, sells 8 of each set [1001M]




Spends 1M on 1.5k shark, and bingo!!! 1000M








~Alternative endings:








-He gets hacked the next day, losing his 1000M and full phat set




-Shows off his money to friends, accidentally steps into wildy and gets Pj'd




-He gets hacked, and all thats left is ash (....spooky!)




-Spends all he has on party hats, then accidentally low alcs them




-Tries to drop trade a yoyo with 100M in the middle of varrock world 2




-Buys easter eggs, half jugs of wine and pumpkins and uses them as training food




-Gives a lv3 noob full dragon because it can 'Trim it for him free'




-Finds more ash on the floor and makes another 1000M off it (....kinda)




-Gets permanently banned for autoing the next day








~THANKS 4 READING, IF U READ ALL THEN THANKS :)~ Morse stories like this to follow~

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its not really a story more of a log of events. It has no real plot and is not really what this library is about.








Nice idea though and if it had more detail then maybe.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Sorry but as was already mentioned this is not a story, it simply is a portrayal of chain of events... no plot etc... if you wish to make a story out of it feel free to repost it... but as is I am locking it.









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