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What do you think of the Runescape community?


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Well i'll tell you what I think:








I think that the runescape community is going increasingly downhill, for multiple reasons i'm sure but one of the main reasons I have picked up on is the influence of the immature players who make new players feel degraded.








For example, you have just transfered from tutorial, confident in the game and satisfyed that you can become succesful through hard work and motivation, you take your first steps towards money and success and you are called a noob.








Now, if you shrug this off, like many many, high levels do, and mature low levels, in my opinion, then thats ok, a good habit to have. But some people who come into the game see the atmosphere and community of the game quite hostile, which doesn't invite a good first impression.








When I first started Runescape I felt that if I made friends with a low level like me, then we could do perserve with the game together, with quests training and basic assistence for each other. But when I did come with this thought in mind i was met with degrading statements, such as "you are a noob".








I think that people who can't shrug this off, see that the enviroment is in disarray and hostile, they think that if people can get away with destroying the generous side of the community then they can get away with it too, so they decide to hack, scam or maybe even use auto'ers.








Now this can happen to the next generation of players, because I think there is a common misconseption of the higher players in the game.








Low level view:








High players: Oh i hate all the low levels always begging for help its just so annoying I can't take much more of this.








Low levels: Oh all these high levels never giving help or advice to us low levels all it is is a tiny bit of effort that could help me so much.








My view:








High players: have many people asking them for help and if you help one then the rest will become evern more angry so you either help them all, or become subject to more harassment.








Low levels: they want help because they get called noobs all the time and want to get good so they can either call the other low levels noobs, or just get out of the "noob zone" where they are called noob just by there level.








Now i'm not saying that low levels should stop begging because it's wrong, although it would help alot. Also i'm not saying that hihg levels should start giving adivce and there tiem to help others .








What I am getting to is that to maybe stop begging and irratated high levels is to jump to the source of the problem. The part of the community that is coming into the game as a low level.








In my opinion the "noob-calling" people of runescape are either to arrogent to change, or can't be changed because they get kicks out of calling people noobs.








What I did was I went to lumbridge for a bit and gave useless advice in our opinion, to the low levels who find it priceless, for example.








Me: giving out free advice!








Low level: Whihc way to varrock please.








Me: well follow the stone road until you hit the bridge go across, head north and into the entrice watch out for dark wizards too. (or something along those lines).








Now I can't do much as just one person, but I see that if many people show the new generation of runescape that it is a nice friendly atmosphere, then they wont come into the game with this degraded feeling, and they will may not see the need to scam, hack or auto, because all they have to do is ask a question on how to make money, we give a short description on how, and then they are set, nice a happy.








Please post your opinions, views or any other comments.








Hope I can make a difference.









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I help people who ask for it, just last night I made a small clan, of lvl 7's full steel with weapons, it is not much, but they greatly appreciated it, so that is good. I even help some of the beggars, unless they use the "I have been hacked" line....people only get "hacked" by not knowing better.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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I think that the runescape community is going increasingly downhill, for multiple reasons i'm sure but one of the main reasons I have picked up on is the influence of the immature players who make new players feel degraded.








Bingo. Players don't start out bad. It's the increasing majority of people who play the game who seem to assume that their superior level demands respect off people.

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