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Hey Peeps.








Last Easter, there was a drop of Rubber Chickens which was great because they turned out to be funny and great for impressing the lower levels with.








I was wondering if anyone would like to join me on an expedition. I am trying to gather a large group of RS players with Rubber Chickens to generally stroll around Runescape and cause havoc. We might build this into a monthly or even weekly event. Anyone wants to join, we will set out on Friday 17th at 7PM on P2P world 24*. Nearing the end of the whacking trip, we will have a game of Castle Wars, in which, Rubber Chicken Brigade people do not have to use Rubber Chickens, but it would be hilarious if you did.












Every bank or town centre we stop at will be a time for people to whack people.












We will work our way around Runescape.








The route begins in Falador centre, working south to Port Sarim, then east to Draynor and Lumbridge. Thent to Al Kharid and the Duel Arena. Then back to Lumbridge and North to Varrock. West to Falador, over the White Wolf Mountain into Catherby and Seers Village. We will have a small drop party (or a large on) at the Party Hall, depending on what people bring. Then south into Ardougne, then to Yanille, Then to Castle Wars, wheer the game will be. After that we go back to Ardougne then to Brimhaven. We finish in Shilo Village where the teleport runes will be given out.








I will be giving out free Varrock Teleport runes to anyone who covers the entire distance with us.








Also there will be a prize draw with prizes. 1st prize: 40k, 2nd prize, 20k, 3rd prize 10k, and three 4th prizes of 2k.








If there are any suggestion for alterations to be made to the route, please post here as well.












You will only be able to enter the draw if you cover the entire course with the group and submit your name here. You will only recieve the runes if you cover the entire course as well.








Anyone who would like to come please post here.








No requirements except for Rubber Chicken.












STEVE 10000!!!












Hope people enjoy it.








Thanks to RUNE HQ for the map, I could'nt find another decent one, which was surprising.








NOTE: This event will not take place unless there is more than ten people coming.












*The first half of the trip will be on F2P world 15 at Falador castle.

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