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M.O.M. (and other dum r.e's)

Shady Character

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just wondering but how many of you out there are really getting annoyed by the mysterious old man???




ive gotten him so many times.... and all he gives u is junk. its only good if u get a maze but ive only gotten that like three times. and now jagex changed the boxes. i mean they are not hard to figure out but its a real pain.




also the "certers", "cap'n han", "rick turpintine", and "drunken dwarf" are also getting really annoying. i mean its just a waste of time.








well let me know what u think about them...

Quest cape since Jan. 30th, '08

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i agree tt they r annoying. i mean, u r in a middle of chattin to ur friend or power mining then *poof* M.O.M says hi to u. u get fedup easily. but the mimes rox. in my entire 2 yrs, i only got mazes twice.

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You guys do know they're to mess up autoers, right? Sure, they can be a bother, but if it makes it harder for those pesky bots, sobe it. I personally don't mind getting free stuff at random, but you seem to have a problem with it. Guess I won't give you this rune plate then...


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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