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fightpits... question


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well i'm tryin em for a while,rangin ftw but i always die when the 360 and 90s get combined.because 360s mage and 90s range.how did you guys get past them?btw i don't use guthan,is there any way to sperate them or so?

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I've never tried it, but I think you turn on mage pray, and get the 90 stuck behind the 360. Stay out of melee range of the 360 while you range the 90 till it dies, then kill the 360 with ranged.




But, you will lose health to the 90, so it'll be hard without Guthans.

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Protect mage, then kill the lvl 90. With an xbow/crystal bow you should dispose of his 40 hp very easily, but you may take a little bit of occasional damage. At least it's better than the constant hits for 40+ that the 360s will be hitting on you.

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I beat up to the 702 6 times. Listen:




WHen the 360+90 come then here is what you do: You get the 180 stuck behind the 360. Guthan attack lvl 90. Then put on hides+range the 360, get the 180 to safe spot. That easy. :)

Urza. The One. The Legend.


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I beat up to the 702 6 times. Listen:




WHen the 360+90 come then here is what you do: You get the 180 stuck behind the 360. Guthan attack lvl 90. Then put on hides+range the 360, get the 180 to safe spot. That easy. :)




exactly, its very easy this way, only the 702 is a pain in the *** 8)

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all thanx alot,but i will range all the way as i can't wear guthans yet,with 90 ranged and 87 cb i'm gonna try to be one of the lowest cb's with the firecape.think i'm gonna go for the risk of the 13s of the 90 rangers :)

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oh and recommnded inventory?i was thinkin bout accept for what i'm wearin(black dhide crystal bow) another crystalbow,14 p pots (4) a ranged pot,a superdefpot,and the rest maybe sharks?it wen't pretty well on em today,only i used 4 sharks instead of that many,and hadn't got any experience so i was actin pretty nooby upthere:p

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