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Prayer recharge and prayer experience


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Hi, I've always been bothered about prayer, when you drain it to 0 it stays 0 forever, and I think there should be a slight prayer recharge, just like with HP, BUT at a very slow rate, so it doesn't disrupt combat.




When prsyer recharges you can ocassionaly use it, and else you almost never use it, so I think it wopuld be better to use prayer recharge.




Also prayer is the ONLY skill with which you don't get xp when you use it to its benefits, and I've always found that strange.




So I think they should give a small amount (like 1xp per burned prayer point) when using prayer to make it a little more popular to use it in general.




If you agree with me, want to critisize my idea (no flames) or have got an alternative idea, please post it here.

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I had an idea for that. It is called "Meditate". It would be like an emote you can use, where you sit down and close your eyes and pray inwardly to the Gods. In the wildy, this is particularly tedious to use because you can't see the screen. It would be similar to sleeping in RSC. Meditating would increase prayer at a slower rate than HP. There has to be someway for this to be utilizable, and not broken. It should be feasible to be able to recharge prayer and not unbalance the game.


Wow...I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.
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