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Need help eliminating a backround for pics


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I need help with some images. I put them there with MS Paint and they have a stupid white backround that looks bad.




Please can someone help me create these small pics with a 1-pixel border and whatnot so it appears as if they have a transparent backround. I don't know how and am probly un equiped to do so because i have no proper program. If you need the URL to these images right click and check properties.




There are 7 images and here they are:




wildpie8ei.png wild pie




maturewmb2af.png Mature wmb




salem2wj.png Greenman's ale (m)




srespite3jy.png slayers respite




fishpie9sc.png fish pie




sdelight9lw.png ChefÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s Delight




cider1pv.png Cider








I want this : maturewmb2af.png




to become this: wizardmindbomb.gif




i want to eliminate the white backround. I dont want the backround colored the same color as the page your viewing, i want there to be no backround or it to be trasparent.




this example is a wiz mind bomb and a mature wiz mind bomb. Despite how similar they look they are different so i still need the original 7 done.






Thank you for you help :)

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When you select like a square, or even when doing text, there are two little options below all the tools on the left. I think the top one is always on by default, but if you select the bottom one, then you dont end up with the annoying white squares where you selected. This might be a solution, but then again i might have not understood very well what is going on here :D hope it helps.

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thank you woopidoo! those images worked perfectly.




and about MS Paint, i think the only way to get the images to appear transparent on IE is to save it in the .gif format. However, this heavily distorts the color so bad it looks like a 2 yr old fingerpainting. thank you for your help anyways.

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