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Im quitting, gotta admit I really am


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Around Christmas, Runescape crashed around my ears. My hard earned 1.5 mil was gone ( wrote a story about it too on these forums), life sucked, and I was pissed off. Then I got hooked on GW again, left my account forever.








The call of Runescape lured me back... I couldn't resist...I logged back on and lo and behold... I still had a rune plate, and 160k. By then my membership had expired, and I couldn't utilize my wicked D hally, D Scimmy set. My lvl 76 player was junk, good stats, 190 qp, but still.. I couldn't do it. I couldn't beg my parents for a membership subscription.. So I'm sticking with Guild Wars.




It was great hanging with everyone, meeting great guys, yelling at the not so great :) Cheering wildly at the gnomes beating on the giant jungle demon, watching in amazement as my D Hally sliced through enemies scoring massive hits, even over walls :P And the slow grinding leveling of my favorite and not so favorite skills like slayer, fletching, and ugh... mining... It was worth it.




And finally...I believe there is a wicked drop party thats gonna occur, and since I have no need of it... I'm donating my rune plate and 160k ( wish I could still give you the Hally and Scimmy) So just contact me in game, Eragonsrage. Enjoy your playing guys and gals.

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hope guildwars works out for you!


sorry about waht happened around christmas.


i'm assumong you have read eragon and eldest? i liked them too.




keep it up i hope life is good for you


^^ theres my benidiction fo the day^^




you seem like a good person i'm feeling happy right now all of a sudden.


its bedtime where i live no more posts for me :)


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I hope you have a good future with Guild Wars. SOrry to see you go :(




BTW, you read the Inheirtence Trilogy of Eragon, Eldest, and the upcoming Empire? What the heck is under the freaking Menoa Tree!! :x




It's Eragon's new blade...don't tell anybody...Christopher Paolini is my big brother =D



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aw man, no. Remember me? You were my scret santa, you got me those arrows that helped me lvl up my range :)




thanks man enjoy GW



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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