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Cold sores


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Not only passed on from parent to child, but also through kissing or any other exchange of bodily fluids. What's more it can also lie dormant, so you may have it - just not know it yet because symptoms haven't started.




There are some treatments to prevent future outbreaks, such as the drugs acyclovir and famcyclovir though for them to be particularly effective you have to start the course very promptly after realising you have it. And they're incredibly expensive.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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I don't get them. But, my brother does. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you get cold sores if you've had chicken pox at some point in your life?






I don't think I've had chicken pox and I got it. I'm using abreva now, hopefuly it will help.

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Got one right now cause I'd extremely sick :( Most of the time that I get them its cause I got a cut on my lip, and then drink cokes till it goes bad.




My method of fixing it is to salt it 2x a day, and at night before I go to sleep, salt it again and put tissue in it to keep it dry. Normally gets rid of them in about 2-3 days.


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