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Becoming a member again


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I am becoming a member again... i only did it for about a month to see if i liked it and then i quit for a while. But now im going to become one again.


Im just woundering where should i start and recomended lvl for the member skills. i hae about 4mill if that is necessary to know would it be easier to merchant if i got more or can tat do?

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With 4 mil you can buy a whole lotta coal :D Go to crowded free worlds, in fally east and buy coal for 170-180 each. Then sell in bulk in forums for 200 each.




Fishing is easier in p2p too, just saying :P

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'm not a member, so I'm just guessing, but I think you should do p2p stats that correspond with your f2p stats. Have high smithing? Make arrowheads to use for fletching. Or stick with f2p stats, but do things you couldn't do before. High runecrafting? Make laws or nats.

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered, but stupid is forever.



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