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Trading THROUGH the forums!


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Ok, its a pain in the [wagon] to switch worlds just to trade with people that you met on the forums, ofcourse it is convinent to get what you want over the forums. But what if you could actually TRADE THROUGH THE FORUMS! I have two ways this could work.




1. You have a trade screen, and your bank. You proceed to offer your money/items for his money/items. You accept the trade, and there are 3 trade screens, the first 2 normal, and the 3rd says in big bold letters what is being offered for what, since its not in-game with a report button, you could probably work that in though.




2. You log into a forums server and end up in a small white room, proceed to trade as you would in the game. Log on in the game with what you recieved from the trade where you were.




You may not do either of these if you are skulled, as you could have ran, logged, and bought food or potions and restock and kill the dude.




Thoughts? Comments?

Luring master.

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Ok, I didn't really read the post all that much, but think of how much work that would bring into things . . . And how much more "rule breaking for Rule#8" that would bring . . .




I'm not against, or with it at the moment though ^^




We'll see ;)

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interesting... but id think it take up too much forum bandwith and destroys world 2/1




Maybe thats not such a bad thing. I don't see why they are the centre of trades anyways. I usually go on the worlds that are closest to where I live. Getting rid of the massive trades on worlds 1/2 would spread out a lot more people into other worlds.

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interesting... but id think it take up too much forum bandwith and destroys world 2/1




Maybe thats not such a bad thing. I don't see why they are the centre of trades anyways. I usually go on the worlds that are closest to where I live. Getting rid of the massive trades on worlds 1/2 would spread out a lot more people into other worlds.




Ya, if youve ever been on rs when you didnt have school, or in the middle of the night, world 1/2 are still full anyway, people should be spread out.

Luring master.

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Ya, if youve ever been on rs when you didnt have school, or in the middle of the night, world 1/2 are still full anyway, people should be spread out.




Exactly! Lets say you live in Amsterdam. Theres a world all ready made for you. You want to buy some rares? The easiest solution is to head to world 1/2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't going on a world halfway across the world kind of give you mad lag? Worlds 1/2 are full almost all the time. I don't know any people who actually play the game on these worlds. People just trade in them. I guess that trading could be thought of as playing the game, but it's kind of hard to. I consider playing the game as meeting new people, fighting monsters, and exploring. Not much excitment in trading loads of stuff for money.

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Ya, if youve ever been on rs when you didnt have school, or in the middle of the night, world 1/2 are still full anyway, people should be spread out.




Exactly! Lets say you live in Amsterdam. Theres a world all ready made for you. You want to buy some rares? The easiest solution is to head to world 1/2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't going on a world halfway across the world kind of give you mad lag? Worlds 1/2 are full almost all the time. I don't know any people who actually play the game on these worlds. People just trade in them. I guess that trading could be thought of as playing the game, but it's kind of hard to. I consider playing the game as meeting new people, fighting monsters, and exploring. Not much excitment in trading loads of stuff for money.




And the people who live in SF might need those worlds to play but the traffic keeps them out.

Luring master.

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If they could implement something that was a little closer to the auction system on WoW (although that might take a lot of bandwidth and memory), I think that would be a little more feasible.

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