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what do pl want more nats or laws?


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Id say do laws.... Ive been seeing natures selling as low as 260g ea... For bulk loads too 20k+.........


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

First To get 99 Smithing With GoldSmithing Guants


Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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People need both and lots of them. If you can find it easier to sell one over the other, do it. Laws will always have the edge due to its wider demand since its more used in free.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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you can only sell laws for 1k one at a time, its a pointless endevor, you could be making more money doing something else than selling them one at a time. You can sell nats in much higher quantities to more people than laws, not many people buy huge amounts of laws, but lots of people buy huge amounts of nats.

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Guest AshKaYu
i would do laws then sell them in f2p worlds so you can sell each for 1k


Ummm, no you can't. I buy mine for 350 ea on F2P Worlds, if you're just buying ONE, then you might buy it for 1k.

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