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New Sig, Check It Out!


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New sig, haven't done person yet but I need ideas on what to do with the sky (the upper left is for the person's name.)








Ye need to get rid of the "" thing there.




And yeh, looking at it...




The sea needs some contrast, the people in the foreground need something doing, shading and stuff... And the fisher's boots need something doing.. Don't look right.

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Very nice.. I like it.. the suns reflection's cool. heres somethings you can do:




Add waves... mabye even a surfer? o0o?


Add more little fish in the ocean, even in runescape shark isn't the only thing in the harpooning spot... trout, salmon, shrimp..


Add clouds.. mabye make the clouds look a little like something related to fishing (you know.. could watching... :P)


Also change the text.. it doesn't look so good.. mabye put it under the name in upper left cornor.. its taking up to much of the sig and is going over the boddies and such..

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