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Members Version for only 1 month


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If I get members version for only 1 month, what should I do and where should I go?




What I want is to get things that will help me in the world of F2P when my membership is over. I was thinking about agility. Good? Bad?




Im only 40 combat atm, 12 QP, low skills.

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Yes agility is good and i believe it carries over when you go back to F2P. I would recomend taking advantage of some of the money makers that P2P as to offer like picking and spinning flax and selling for a nice profit.



"Long live the sun. May the darkness be hidden."

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Yes agility is good and i believe it carries over when you go back to F2P. I would recomend taking advantage of some of the money makers that P2P as to offer like picking and spinning flax and selling for a nice profit.




you cant use aglity in f2p..


but yeah try flaxing thats like 100k/hour.


train alot too.


also do alot of fun stuff like castle wars and pest control


fish + wc if youd like.


but i truly believe agility is a total waste of time.

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Yes agility is good because the energy recovery effect carries over into free servers.




Herblore might be an idea, make yourself a ton of strength potions since the herbs required can be bought very cheaply from members. Go law running on world 66 for a while to grab a couple thousand law runes (which sell very well in non-member worlds)

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