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Walking Through Monster @ Pest Control


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I agree, its so annoying when ur trying to go blow up the other portals and there is a lvl 157 brawler in your way :oops: Yeh, we should be able to walk through them like most NPCs, but then i suppose that makes the game easier to win? quicker access to the portals.. it probably wont be changed.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Heck no. I like the way you can get yourself pinned inside a mob of enemy beasties. If they want to make it easier for money hungry players, they should instead up the heal rate on the knight, wandering around mobs is mor of a simple inconvinience. It's not like you lose things when you get pinned and killed, its merely an inconvenience. Besides, the unique monsters, aka the splatters and... mole guys... can walk through enemies, and thats merely to give the enemy a bit more of an advantage.




Also, if they lifted that pathing issue, the monsters could stack, and they'd end up in a huge pile at the gate.


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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