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my first pixel sig!


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bit simple, but your right it is a start. Add people.








yea, it is wuite simple, its is a start.. its a good concept, i like the idea, mabe u should add some detail to the head stone, and dead trees and stuff like that :)








.:'':.Cool Banana

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that kinda defeats the pursose... lol, actually not really, it defeats the purpose of making a pixel sig... try doing it in paint, or whatever program u use, and the more you draw stuff, the easier and faster it gets!








i agree




and u can also improve ur skills on making sigs

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would it be easier to draw them out on paper and then scan em with a scanner or would that be cheating








Actually thats how many pixel artists make their art.




1st they draw it on paper. Then scan it.




2nd- clean up the drawing




3rd- make a black outline of the drawing in pixels




4th-add colors, shades, etc.

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