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I have a Skull abowe my carakters head. What does it do...


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The skull appears when you attack another player in the wilderness. If you die while it is above your head youll lose all the items you are carrying instead of keeping the three most expensive which is what happens normally when you die. To get rid of it just wait for a while anfd after a set amount of time (20 minutes I think) it will go away.

RSN: Ste_Boz

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You either attacked a player in the wilderness, or crafted runes in the abyss. If you die with the skull, you will lose all your items(you can keep one with protect item prayer) Wait 20 minutes and it will disappear.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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That is 20 minutes of game time, of course, so just avoid getting killed, paying particular attention to any dangerous randoms that you might get.




Do NOT just shuffle to avoid logging out, as that often seems to get you an evil chicken

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