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Leet speak good or bad?


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1.omg hax0r 1337 sp3ak 0wnz u n00b 1t 15 th3 gr8test!!!!!!


2.are u goin out 2morrow nite or wat m8?


depends which of my examples ure on about i think 1. is stupid but 2 is ok because when u want to type fast sometimes abbreviations are ok


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1.omg hax0r 1337 sp3ak 0wnz u n00b 1t 15 th3 gr8test!!!!!!


2.are u goin out 2morrow nite or wat m8?


depends which of my examples ure on about i think 1. is stupid but 2 is ok because when u want to type fast sometimes abbreviations are ok




1 is stupid but always used in a joking/mocking sense.


2 I find really irritating. In a text message, fine there are a limited amount of characters. But on a forum or IM there is no limit and makes you sound like you have the intelligence of a loaf of bread.

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