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Need some support...


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This is really discouraging, i know ppl who have played for 6 months and have everything at 70 or higher, I have been playing for two years and my account is not as good as most others, I always enjoyed playing, but people call me a noob for not having a certain total, or not having god armors, or dragon armor, stuff like that, it really makes me angry, and frustrated.

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just chill out, i been playing 3 years! and i have been beaten a lot of times and been called 'noob' several times, but i dont care, why?because i rather play at a 'healthy' time than like those other people who play for 8 hours a day. So, just calm down, and play like a normal person should, and dont care about those others, they are just losers!

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

^^^^read backwards^^^^




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even i have the misfile craze!!!

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if someone calls you a noob because of your stuff or stats just brush it off and dont let it get to you




some of the people who say they play all the time just make me laugh because they play runescape way to much




i try to set myself to 1-2 hours a school day

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It's a game, dont worry. Whenever I get called a noob I just laugh and call them a peasant. Most of the times they get confused (perhaps cuz they are 8 year old kids who dont know what a 'peasant' is) and go away.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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