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Printscreen not taking screencaps


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My printscreen key isn't capturing the whole desktop to the clipboard. When I use printscreen on its own, nothing happens. If I use alt+printscreen, capturing one window works just fine.




My machine is:


A64 3700+


1GB DDR400




XP Pro SP1


IBM Model M keyboard




It seems like the problem goes away after restarting, but it has happened before meaning it comes back. I don't have any spyware/adware/anything malicious on my machine (I can't be bothered having to prove it, I keep an eye on my processes). Aside from the normal windows processes some of the long-term (running pretty much all the time) ones I have running are:




Antivirus (CA's "EzAntivirus")


Gainward's controller for my GPU






Activesync for my PDA


Process Explorer






1 thing I can't mention whose latter syllable of 2 rhymes with pool






I repeat: there's nothing wrong with my keyboard, alt+printscreen works fine.




Anyone know what could be going on?

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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