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Neckalces have no use. so here are some used some help for diamond and ruby and onyx please.






Saphire games necklace (games room)




Emrald necklace of binding.




Ruby necklace of war (Teleportation to Tzarr and Pest control).






Diamond necklace of mages (teleportation to Magic guild and Magic arena)




Dragon Necklace ( i dont know)




Onyx necklace of riches (All items High Alched and sold to shops get 5% added to their value)

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The emerald necklace idea is very good, I think.




This necklace can be scrapped and be changed into the ring of dueling which will have its name changed to something different




Personally, I don't think the dragonstone idea just isn't going to happen.




What if it was a Onyx Necklace though because I know Dragonstone necklace will be to easy to obtain.

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Onyx necklace of riches (All items High Alched and sold to shops get 5% added to their value)




Would be too good, nut I deffinately like the idea of new options for the necklaces. All I do is alch them now.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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