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Saradomin book and Abbyssal runecrafting


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edit: might as well close. I just asked a fellow RCer (the first one I ever saw bringing a book too) and he cleared my doubt for me. Thanks to all that read this.




I just recently found out that if you die with your god books u can get them back for free at the quest guy (Jossik?).




Since then I bought a Saradomin book and have been using it to Abbyss runecraft. But I wonder why no one else does this, at least I never see anyone with it.




So I wonder, does the get back for free thingy still work if I die in the wilderness and/or am pked? Am I risking around 400k by doing this?


Current goals: Going for 80 80 80.

Recent goals achieved: 70 70 70 done.


Major Achievement: Fire Cape at 79 combat.

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Not sure if i understand you correctly but, if you die, you will reccive back your god book from the quest guy.


I've died a sevral time with my zamarok book and got it back. But i heard that the book must be completed.


Signature made by the one and only, Friz.

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