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what to do???


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well, I now have 60k to spend and I wanted to buy coal with it, I would mine the iron ore myself and sell the steel bars for profit.




that would cost:175(I hope)x200=35k




I would sell it for 55k.




Or I could mine all of it myself and make 55k profit.




the first option will get me 20k profit and it would take me 1,5 hour including smithing and selling and buying.




The second option will cost me nothing so that's 55k profit. I would do it in 3 hours I reckon including mining, smithing and selling.




20k/1,5=13,3k an hour


55k/3=18,3k an hour




so the second option will get me more money but is more boring? what do you suggest? and will people sell coal for 175 gp each. I have seen people selling them for 150 gp each...




any thoughts? and are my calculations correct?

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I am still f2p until the summer. But what do you guys do? mine everything yourself or just buy the coal? what do you prefer? mining everything yourself is boring, but makes more profit. that's what I want to know...

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If your calculations are correct (I don't see why they aren't, in fact it might be a bit less than that to mine/smith/sell) then mining yourself would seem to be the best option (more cash and more xp - high mining is always good).





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true, but it would take more time so less time to do something else. The money and xp is better though.




another question, what is a better market:mining coal or selling steel bars? and what's the average price for coal? 175 gp ea?

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You'll unload both pretty quick but I would say to sell in 1000s say 1000 steeld bars or 1000 coal ores if you want really quick sales. Coal sells in game for 150-200 but in large amounts (1000+) you will always get 200 on the forums.




Just a note though, apparently with ess being less attractive autoers may be looking to coal as another source of income, this would be bad news for the coal market.





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You'll unload both pretty quick but I would say to sell in 1000s say 1000 steeld bars or 1000 coal ores if you want really quick sales. Coal sells in game for 150-200 but in large amounts (1000+) you will always get 200 on the forums.




Just a note though, apparently with ess being less attractive autoers may be looking to coal as another source of income, this would be bad news for the coal market.






this would actually be good for the buyers, but bad for the legitimate sellers, because there will be lots of coal around because of the autoers so prices may drop a bit




on topic, mine it all yourself, yes it may be a bit boring, but i mined 12k+ coal and 3k+ mith ores by myself and didnt get bored that much, just take breaks now and again, kill something, craft the gems you get etc


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You'll unload both pretty quick but I would say to sell in 1000s say 1000 steeld bars or 1000 coal ores if you want really quick sales. Coal sells in game for 150-200 but in large amounts (1000+) you will always get 200 on the forums.




Just a note though, apparently with ess being less attractive autoers may be looking to coal as another source of income, this would be bad news for the coal market.








nah they are goin to the yews. have you seen them? insane amounts in edge.


on topic: go mine iron better money for you. period.

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